18 logo for text
logo for text
I will design creative and professional text logo design for $5 - SEOClerks 0
Simply put, text logos are visual representations of what your business is all about. The logo you choose will become synonymous with your brand, so it pays to choose wisely. BrandCrowd offers access to a library packed with text logos … 1
Fotor's text logo maker is very easy to use and doesn't require any design skills. With just a few simple clicks, you can easily tweak any aspect of the text logo template to fit your specific needs. … 2
The FedEx logo is a clever text logo with an arrow hidden in the negative space between the "E" and the "X." The "F" and "E" are capitalized to break up the two words that make up the company's … 3
I will design creative and professional text logo design for $5 - SEOClerks 4
Gold Elegant Text Logo | BrandCrowd Logo Maker 5
simple A initial logo | Creative Illustrator Templates ~ Creative Market 6
TEXT-BASED LOGOS - Kreativeartx 7
73 Amazing & Cool Text Logos for Inspiration | Text pictures, Typographic logo, Logos 8
Design creative vector text logo by Seedzart | Fiverr 9
I will design a creative connected text logo 24hrs for $50 - SEOClerks 10
3D Logo & Text Effect Mockup (PSD) - GraphicsFuel 11
Text-based Logos design on Behance 12
I will design 5, 3D Text Logo for $5 - SEOClerks 13
73 Amazing & Cool Text Logos for Inspiration – UltraLinx 14
Logo Perspective + Text Effect (Mockup) by Felipe Santana on Dribbble 15
letter S technology logo - Download Free Vectors, Clipart Graphics & Vector Art 16
Abstract 3d Text Shape Vector Icon Logo Illustration 3d Shape R Template Download on Pngtree 17
3D Logo and Text Mockup PSD | Download Mockup 18
73 Amazing & Cool Text Logos for Inspiration – UltraLinx 19
logo text on Behance 20
Design the best professional signature text logo by Ranamisc | Fiverr 21
Logo maker in kosovo- Web developer and designer - Mentor Misini 22
Text Based Logo Design – LUCKI MEDIA 23
10 Best Modern & Professional Fonts For Logo Design - Webgyaani 24
I Will do minimal symbolic monogram or initials text logo design for $5 - SEOClerks 25
Text logo maker - Create Custom Logos in Minutes - Logopony 26
Text logo maker - Create Custom Logos in Minutes - Logopony 27
Text logo maker - Create Custom Logos in Minutes - Logopony 28
Text logo maker - Create Custom Logos in Minutes - Logopony 29
I Will Write Your Text, Logo in 3D Wood Style for $10 - SEOClerks 30
101 best free logo fonts | Webdesigner Depot 31
I Will Design Minimal and Font Logo Within 24 Hours for $4 - SEOClerks 32
35 Only-Text Logos for Design Inspiration 33
25 Text Logo Designs | showme design 34
hello everyone welcome back to my, channel because of my exam i could not, make video for last 25 days my last, video was very well that's why most of, the viewers of my channel have requested, to make a another video like the last, video so today i'm gonna make the video, in this video i will design different, logo by using same letters i think this, video also helpful to all, so friends make sure to watch carefully, to the end and then write in the, comments section the most valuable, information that you find in this, tutorial so let's start the video, first take line segment tool and draw a, line, copy the line by hold alt, take 16 lines by hold ctrl and pressing, d, now select all lines and make it align, center and group it, now take polygon tool and draw a, triangle, now select lines and go transform and, rotate the lines equal to triangle line, okay that's good, now copy it another for that click right, button of mouse and select transform, again select reflect and copy it, now copy the lines, and go transform and rotate it zero, degree, now remove the triangle, now select everything, and take shape builder tool and draw ve, letters over the lines, first i try to draw a letter, draw it very carefully, [Music], now move the design above from the lines, for that you need to ungroup all and, then i'll select the design and move it, now delete the lines, okay that's good, now select the design and group it, increase the stroke color, now go object and expand it, now select pathfinder and unite it, now we design the same letters in, polygon so keep watching, first take line segment tool and draw a, line, copy the by hold alter take only 10, lines by hold ctrl and pressing d, now take polygon tool and draw a polygon, [Music], select the lines and go transform and, rotate it equal to the polygon line, now copy this another by following this, method, okay that's good, now select this lines and copy it, now go transform and rotate it zero, degree now delete the polygon, now select everything and take shape, builder tool and draw your letter, do it carefully otherwise you can make a, mistake, okay that's good, now move the design from the lines, for that first ungroup all then select, the design and move it from the lines, okay that's good now select the design, and group it, now increase the stroke color, now go object and make it expand, now unite it by selecting pathfinder, okay that's good, now we design the same letters in, another shape, so first take a line and draw a line, copy the line by hold alter take only, eight lines by hold ctrl and pressing d, now select the lines and make it middle, align center and group it, also copy the lines by following this, method, now rotate it, again copy the lines and rotate it like, that, now select everything and take shape, builder tool, now draw the letters over here, i first draw a letter do it very, carefully, okay that's good now move the design, form the lines, also group the design, now increase the stroke color of this, design, now go object and select expand, make it united okay that's good, now we are going to design the last logo, so first take a lips tool and draw a, circle, give it stroke color only draw another, small circle, now select the two circle now go object, and select the blend and click make, now select the blend tool now selected, specified shape and at four, okay that's good, now go object and make it expand, now ungroup it and make it middle align, center, also group it, now copy the circles by hold alter and, place here like that, now select everything and make a group, again copy the all circles by hold alter, and place the circle little upper from, this like that now select everything and, make middle align center, selected all circles and take shape, builder tool and letters over here, i first draw v letters over here, do it carefully, bill, okay that's good, now move the design from the circles, okay that's good, now increase the stroke color of this, design, select the design and go object and make, expand, now make it united see that here is an, extra part in the design this is because, of my mistake, that's why i always suggest everyone, always carefully design a design, by the way i remove this part now, so friends here's our four logo in, different shape which logo do you like, most don't forget to comment so thank, you for your attention i hope i helped, with this video so don't forget to, comment with valuable information that, you find it push the like button and, subscribe my channel if you didn't yet, see you in another video
Request HN: Optimize vote-arrows and YC logotl;dr:
1) Please replace "grayarrow2x.gif" with Unicode arrows ▲ and ▼
2) Please replace "y18.gif" with a higher-res YC logo image, or text "Y" with FF Meta Pro Normal web font
I've been a regular reader, and very occasional poster, on HN for nigh on ten years now.
I always loved PG's iconoclastic/idiosyncratic "brutalist" aesthetic, but the UI GIFs have felt obsolete since I got a smartphone. I remember the up/down voting arrows started looking blurry on my iPhone 3G, and then sometime later they got better on mobile with the introduction of the higher-res "grayarrow2x.gif".
Now on a retina display, by now I just take the blurry arrows (and YC icon) for granted. I was building an HTML table with column sorting today, and made use of Unicode characters ▲▼ "BLACK UP-POINTING TRIANGLE" (▲) and "BLACK DOWN-POINTING TRIANGLE" (▼). How about swapping out grayarrow2x.gif for these text arrows? I just tried the substitution via Chrome dev tools, and it was a trivial change and looks crisper to me. I'm not aware of any compatibility/support issues with these Unicode chars, but maybe some technical reason not to make this change...
The blurry 18×18 "y18.gif" could be replaced either with http://www.ycombinator.com/images/ycombinator-logo-fb889e2e.png, or with a box containing a text "Y" – looks like the YC logo's FF Meta Pro Normal is available on Typekit: https://typekit.com/fonts/ff-meta/details/meta-pro-normal
These might seem like niggling issues, but unlike other seemingly low-hanging UI improvements (e.g. increasing font size, which looks kinda tough with how the CSS is structured), I think both of these changes could be made in just a few minutes, and I'd appreciate it on every upvote!.
,Tell HN: Professional Branding and Identity for your Startup for $100My friend has extraordinary skill at creating company branding and identities. He created the logo for my startup ( http://www.blabberize ) and its been really great for our image. He recently is spending some free time between jobs and mentioned that he has been doing some sketches for fictitious companies to expand his portfolio. He finds creative work more fun than most of the high profile companies he works for. I suggested that there may be some people who would love to have the quality of his work in the startup community that may not have the resources to pay for his caliber of work. Heres a link to his portfolio:
Hes willing to deliver a company logo for $100. All you have to provide is: 1: Name of the Company 2: Imagery that you would like incorporated and/or text 3: Your vision of what you like the logo to look like.
I'm posting this here because when I started my startup four years ago I didn't have any money to spare and I needed a logo. My friend ended up building this stellar iconic graphic that ended up being our defining image. He went on to bigger and greater things, and I felt lucky that I got to tap into his talent back when I didn't have the money and it was worth so much more. I think it anyone starting a startup would think this is a godsend..
,My first week of MBPr 15"It's my first week of using MBPr, and also I use MBP side by side. I love the text rendering on MBPr the clarity of words is beyond words. However, I am annoyed when it comes to Images, And I have no clue how this issue is going to be fixed, I had a tiny logo for my site 33x33px and doubled the size of it 66x66px and set the width to 33x33 and it now renders gracefully on MBPr, But hey! why do I have to do that, ---- my logo is not the only image in my site, there are a lot of images, some of them could be made larger, but some of them I have no control over. Like I fetch user avatar from Twitter API. ------ but the point here is, it's not prudent to scale images and re-engineer everything..... And I am reaching to the decision to question Apple, was Retina really required at all. Because as I said i use 2011 MBP side by side. I was more than happy with the rendering of text and images..... isn't this a mess? Images are terrible on MBPr period. And in order to fix them, web developers have to re-engineer everything, as I had just started to grasp responsive design and on top of that retina images now....?.... Looking forward to your feedback, unless there is something I am missing here.
PS: Please excuse my english, I actually can write it very good, but I am just in procrastinate mood right now. ;).
,Ask HN: Is there an API for creating quote photos?Basically this: https://pablo.buffer.com/ as an API.
The background image is pretty random, so having the ability to get text onto the image and maybe a logo, optimized for each social media platform? e.g. Longer image for Pinterest, shorter for Twitter etc..
,Show HN: Anonymous, web-based bookmarkinghttp://www.anomarks.com
Hey everyone,
I don't know about you, but my bookmarks somehow always get lost in weird nested folders that I never bother to organize properly. The stuff I eventually want to refer back to just becomes clutter, and then I can't find that sweet tutorial for photo editing a text logo, doing something cool with CSS, or whatever.
I took a look at Google Bookmarks and Delicious, but those two services are so cluttered with excess bullshit that I decided to do it myself.
Anomarks stands for anonymous bookmarks. You don't have to sign up or anything. You can just start with a URL and assign it to a list. Then you can add other bookmarks to the list and search them all really easily. That's it.
My goal was to make it supremely simply and a pleasure to use. Let me know how I did. Hopefully it'll be of use to someone beyond myself..
,Opera 10 Beta2 Out Changes since Opera 10 beta
User Interface
* New Speed Dial icon
* Enabled a errorlog-upload dialog box
* Opera Turbo warning icon
* Warning and advice about why dictionaries.xml file sometimes is missing from Auto update
* A 'Synchronize Opera' button in the Speed Dial page
* Tab icons (inverted) for panels viewed as tabs
* An Open Folder menu item to the file browse control
* Multiple-server support for Auto Update
* A left-click context menu to the Opera Turbo button
* New icons for DOM Console, Who is, Send File, Spell Check, Authormode, and Usermode
* A context menu option to reload images in high quality
* Widget version support
* Password Manager with context-menu support
* Resized the Mac Add-tab icon
* Changed the way Widgets are launched after an installation on Mac
* Removed the menu items to enable/disable the menu bar
* The file input element no longer allows multiple selection
* 'Check for update' moved from Help submenu to Opera submenu
* Updated opera:x, error and fraud page interfaces
* Preinstalled dictionaries now have full name in the 'Choose default language' page in the wizard
* Allowed Speed Dial to have a custom favicon
* Now possible to set a new spell UI session without a pop-up menu
* Adjusted the progress spinner on thumbnails not to overlap other tabs when tabs are small
* Updated the ID for the Widget logo icon used in installation wizard
* Implemented a progressive disclosure control on 'Report a site problem' dialog box
* All submenus are now given icons from the skin
* Shadows on active tabs are now less harsh
* Implemented new Dialog Toggle icons and revised the Mail icons
* Swapped the Send and Do Not Send send buttons in error-report dialog box
* Adjusted the position of the menu button menu
* Updated dialog images
* Allowed for addition of extra line padding in the Widgets panel
* Windowless Silverlight no longer disappears when using context menu
* Pressing Enter to select an item in a dropdown box no longer submits a form
* Enabled tab thumbnails check box by default in Customize dialog box; if selected forces 'wrapping off'
* Updated Check, Send and Check/Send icons
* Updated Search icon
* Notification now shown when Opera Turbo servers are busy
* Improvements to hover state on tabs (better contrast) and tabs on the side
* Panels viewed as Tabs now have their own favicon and thumbnail image
* Removed text shadow on buttons and its influence on Web buttons
* Images appended after page load will now display until 'screen refresh'
* Updated appearance of standard-skin dialog boxes
* Applied a small tweak to the background of the standard-skin close buttons
* 'Transfers' to 'Downloads'
* 'Wand' to 'Password Manager' (Tools > Advanced > Password Manager)
* MenuButton reappearing after a restart
* Dropdown menus on play.com not having background styling
* A white artifact covering entire page when reloading using Reload button only
* Startup problem after upgrading from 9.x
* Importing feeds without a window being open
* More than 9 Speed Dials covering the Speed Dial image
* Web fonts affecting Mac
* Default font-size for single-line Text fields on OS X not being 12px large on the CJK system
* Text overlaps in enhanced tabs
* Aborting the printing of a Web page
* Login dialogs corrupting on startup
* MultiEdit fields being spellchecked if the spell checker is turned on without focus
* Files with spaces not opening after download
* Editing file/folder chooser boxes by hand
* Automatic Opera Turbo mode not being reflected in the status field
* Aqua skin Progress Bar display
* Translated strings in Romanian not fitting the error-report and Appearance dialog boxes
* Some UI buttons enlarging on focus
* Tiled background in Speed Dial not being remembered
* Panel header text becoming unbolded when customized
* Internet-to-Intranet override polishing
* Background image change not repainting a new area
* Setting Opera Turbo through the Details dialog box
* Activate Next Tab not working when tabs are launched in the background via control-shift-click
* Leaks in the error-logging dialog box
* Closing tabs while a tooltip is rendering
* Issue with Trash can being dragged to the widgets area in Widgets panel
* Background color of alternate rows disappearing in a list
* Opera continuously opening tabs if choosing 'Opera Internet Browser' and 'Remember choice' in the BitTorrent Client Selection dialog
o BT download dialog box now inherits most of the functionality from the download dialog, including the Save functionality
* Progress Bar not always disappearing after a page has finished loading
* Creating a search when right clicking on a search text field
* Yahoo! mediaplayer in learnenglish.de
* Spatial navigation on the Yahoo! frontpage
* Spell checker occasionally stopped working when immediately pressing Del and Space
* Saving a picture that has not been fully downloaded
* Uninstalling a dictionary
* Spell checker occasionally stops working after correcting a word
* Spacing between Search and the Address fields
* Incorrect escaping/unescaping of characters in WebserverRequest.uri
* Session not being saved when closing Opera
* Creation of Speed Dial duplicates when merging
* 'Go' button not taking new search field into account
* Downloading a new .torrent file with Opera Turbo enabled
* The Wikipedia Cortado Java Theora player working in Opera 10
* Posting loading/posting of links on a wall at Facebook
* An issue with TinyMCE and Opera Dragonfly
* Keyboard focus not showing in the Opera user interface
* SVG background images disappearing on hover
* Inability use a folder nickname as home page
Mail, News, Chat
* A dialog to warn about the mail database consistency check
* An account preference to determine if the content transfer restriction is set to 8 bit or 7 bit
* Several icons to the Compose menu
* New icons for setting status in a chat window
* Lightened the color of the Page Bar: icons now working on all toolbars, panel color enhanced for better differentiation
* Changed several icons in the Tools menu to colored versions that already exist
* Mail-header buttons no longer overlap the bottom of the toolbar
* Improvements made to HTML e-mail composition
* Clicking on a new message notification now trying:
1. to find a window where the message is visible
2. to open unread if it is visible there
3. to open the account view if it is not visible there
* Double-clicking a note to insert into mail when replying
* Replying to a message and the cursor is invisible
* 8 bit not being the default content-transfer encoding
* Changing a mail account breaks the automatic encoding selector
* Opera Mail welcome message encoding and other strings
* Reopening a HTML draft with 'prefer plain text' and HTML source shows in compose window
* Pasting a message and the paste buffer is cleared
* An old draft being shown on reopening
* HTML keyboard shortcuts working in plain text mode
* Mail client selection dialog not being displayed on first mailto click after an upgrade
* Chat connection status for multiple accounts
* Adding a large attachment to a message prevents e-mail composition
* Plain text e-mail composing
* Setting 'Open with other application' to 'Opera' for mailto
* Printing mail which resulted in an empty page
* Doing 'Synchronization' on POP3 mail check
* Importing mail stops when files are open
* Disabling spell checker in multiline edit boxes causing a shut down
* Title in IRC channels equalling the title shown in the app window title bar
* Ability to paste into inline find in mail view
* Decoding error when writing an HTML mail with a non-ASCII character
* Text not fitting in several dialog boxes when switching to the Romanian language
* Signature not changing when changing an account
* Links opened from mail and newsfeeds not loading when focusing on another mail/feed entry
Display and scripting
* An Open Folder menu item to the file browse control
* Web fonts loaded in memory and the font name retrieved
* FormatBlock now correctly affects ancestors of the contentEditable element
* browser.js can now be disabled when doing auto update
* DOMContentLoaded now fires when traversing history
* Support for getting localized strings from JavaScript
* Max values now set for the automatic memory cache
* Onload script not executing in frameset where one frame's src is set to '#'
* Hardcoded strings in XML files
* Scope when defining getter for the HTMLElement document prototype
* Regex [^x]* failing to match certain characters
* Recursive regular expression causing stack exhaustion
* A link on the error page for cross-network communication
* Full set of padlock icons for security dialog box
* Improvements made to prevent spoofing of services
* Recognizing EV certificates issued directly from the Root
* Importing certificates
* A placeholder in Opera Turbo for plug-ins that are not loaded yet
* Functionality for switching Opera Turbo mode off for separate image elements
* Now possible to add Opera Turbo configuration files per language
* Improved anti-spoof checking
* Loading an automatically saved session
* Various dialogs with third-party mouse plug-ins installed
* High memory use related to the disk cache on huge torrents
. ,Ask HN: Quick Graphic Mockup?Does anyone know of an artistically talented friend who'd be willing to do a quick mockup of a small logo gratis (or for a very small fee)? I made what I want in Gimp, but I lack the artistic skill or the funds to develop it further. If it matters, it's just simple text with two colors. I'm jut having trouble with getting the shading and alignment exactly right.
My contact information is in my profile..
,Ask HN: How to get a Logo/ Corporate Designs in 2021?I know this has been asked plenty times before but most of these threads seem to be quite old. So hear me out.
I am the founder of a cyber security startup in Germany and we are at a point where our website is getting more and more traffic and customers start to ask for business cards to refer our services to other businesses. Soon our web app with new services will launch and it just doesn't have any proper design guidelines yet. Currently the logo is just the name in Roboto font and all presentations and documents are just plain text without any proper corporate design.
I have been doing some research and it seems like there is three main contenders for crowd sourced logo designs:
- fiverr
- 99designs
- designcrowd
But HN seems to have a bad opinion about each of these platforms. Regarding the covid situation I'd also much rather pay a creative person directly without intermediaries taking a 20% cut. But the problem stands on where to find them.
So here's my question: Where do you people get your Logo and Corporate Designs these days?.
,Show HN: Flipboard-like Hacker News web viewerYet another Hacker News web viewer, tried to mimic Flipboard experience.
Hacked for my own use. Primary use - iPad for 15 min before sleep. Secondary: iPhone 4 or workstation, depends, whenever got 5 min of time
Key features: 1. mobile friendly CSS and 2. Back end extracts text teaser and a pic for context. Got the only logo done entirely in CSS I know about :)
Status: a prototype - slow, scraping is only 70% good, Google App Engine might not be optimal for such an app, tested only on screens I use.
Goal: to find if such an app is appreciated by anyone but me. If yes - will be quickly improving. If no - will be slowly improving.
Motivation: I read HN a lot but not contribute articles, votes or comments. This is my way of paying back.
Full description:
,Ask HN: Does trademark infringement mean you're becoming famous?Yesterday I received an email from Katrin Rampf, legal manager for the Pomodoro Technique organization:
'We've noticed you're using our logo as app icon and twitter profile image.
This use of our logo is not permitted.
I kindly ask you to read our guideline and make the necessary changes to be in line with our guideline.'
The app we're talking about is Tomatoes (http://tomato.es). I will change the logo as soon as possibile because I don't want to infringe any trademark but I feel glad for the first line of text from Katrin because she says that 'they've noticed' Tomatoes app.
I call these 'happy problems'.
What do you think about it?.
,Ask HN: How often do you zoom in to read text on your screen?For example, I have zoomed in 250% @ Hacker News to relax my eyes. As a matter of fact, I have zoomed in on most of the websites I visit, including Google.. The same goes for when I code or write text... The font size is too small for me - I can read the text on normal settings, but it's just too much eye strain.
I get funny comments from my co-workers who say that the Google logo and text look too big..
,What Happened to Translation in Android?When you select non-english text in Android, the first option in the context menu is Translate with the Google logo. You would assume this brings up Google translate. But pressing this option in fact just opens a Google search for "translate XXX" where XXX is whatever text you selected. No translation widget appears on the search result page and I don't actually get a translation unless I click one of the links (which look like spam in the language I'm translating).
Has it always been like this? Why doesn't the translate button actually link to their translation service?.
,Ask YC: New logo, feedback and effects.A few days ago I asked for opinions here about a new logo design with some interesting effects.
Firstly, we got some really helpful critical advice. Thank you all.
Secondly and maybe more importantly are the effects of the logo change on the site. Originally I had no logo on the web app, wanting to restrict the app to the bare essentials and ideally no images at all, also limiting the features / text concentrating on just one core concept. (This is a sort of design challenge I wanted to experiment with.)
Eventually I relented and added a few images inc a logo which was really cheap looking. After lots of complaints, we put a day into creating a new logo, then put up some roughs here for critique, then took on board much of the advice and added the new logo.
The app is scaling quite fast and enjoys decent organic traffic, however a high percentage would bounce straight off, looking at only the landing page. Since the new logo, the stats are very interesting, there is not one hit where they just look at one page and leave, all traffic now spending considerable more time on the site.
I guess this will appear to obvious to some but still it has surprised me and been an interesting eye opener as to the effects of eye candy.
New logo: http://www.myplaylist.biz
No more critiques pls. Hehe..
,Launch HN: Journey (YC W21) – a better tool for selling softwareHi, we’re pclark, bweitz and anilsevim, the founders of Journey (https://journey.io). We want to make buying and selling software a better experience. We do this by allowing sellers and marketers to combine all sorts of content—slides, videos, forms, calendars, text—into one sharable webpage, which they can then easily personalize for specific prospects. Think of it like a website that is specifically designed for a specific individual to take a specific action, which answers any questions or objections they may have.
For example, I took one of our standard demos and made a "personalized" version for HN here: https://jny.journey.io/p/3bbb55f82a224e399aafd2dc04f4f32b?pr.... To customize it, I simply added the YC logo at the top, and a "Welcome HN" video to intro the demo—but you can customize these things as much as you like, as your sales process moves forward.
Edit: here's a further example on top of that one: https://jny.journey.io/p/3bbb55f82a224e399aafd2dc04f4f32b?em.... In response to https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=27235504, I made a new version of the "Welcome HN" demo by adding a personalized intro video, changing the logo at the top (I just picked a different one arbitrarily), and restricting it to a specific person (note the "only visible to [email address]" text on the right). Of course it's not really restricted, because we want you all to see it, but it's an example of how you can evolve these demos in response to specific people's questions.
Back in 2012 I launched a B2B email marketing startup called Userfox on Hacker News (https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=4715237), and as that company grew I repeatedly found that it was really hard to create an email that performed well—because if an email is too long users will skim over it, and if it has more than one link they’ll never come back to click them all. Our hope is that Journey helps fix such interactions by allowing you to send users a specific page that has all the content you want them to read, including answers to their specific questions about your product.
Sales people have a hard job, and we don’t think their tools help them enough—they have to rely on live meetings and phone calls. Which is annoying because a live phone call is pretty much the last thing I want to do when I want to actually use a product. You have to talk to a sales person because there isn’t a good way to communicate complexity today in an asynchronous manner.
Sales and marketing is actually ‘just’ storytelling. You build something and then you tell people why they want it. We often think that the latter part is the easy part—but it isn’t! It’s really hard to introduce your product to someone, even when you know they would benefit from it.
If Journey can provide a superior storytelling experience it stands to reason that humans will require fewer live meetings. You don’t need to telephone for a taxi because you have the Uber app.... You won’t need to talk to a human to buy software because you’ll have Journey…
Journey specifically is a web app where you can embed and sequence various pieces of content (videos, slides, forms, calendars, …) and then share that sequence (a “Journey”). You can then take a Journey and personalize it for a specific recipient. Once you’ve shared a Journey, you get insights on where they’re spending time, and any comments they may have. Over time, you and your prospect can build up an entire sales conversation this way, focused around what they specifically need from your product. And you can reuse any bits that worked particularly well in your future conversations with other prospects.
We’d love to know what HN thinks of Journey, here's a link again to our HN demo mentioned above: https://jny.journey.io/p/3bbb55f82a224e399aafd2dc04f4f32b?pr.... From there you’ll be able to sign up, request an onboarding call, view case studies, and learn more. Thank you!!.
,Ask HN: OCR Libraries for Receipt Scanning/Parsing?I'm interested in keeping tabs on my spending and comparing prices of items I buy at grocery stores, because I tend to not think about it when I need something. I am conscious of the extreme price discrepancies for the exact same items at stores just blocks apart here in NYC, but it's difficult to keep track of the prices of each item at various places to optimize shopping.
I want to build a system that can keep a running tab of my purchases by item, price, and store. I need to find a library that can effectively scan a receipt, recognize the store (usually name, number, address and logo at the top), and differentiate each item label and its price. I plan to manually tag each item label from a store's receipt with the item's barcode the first time it is seen.
I have been sporadically googling the past 6 months but am still unsure which OCR library(s) I should invest my time in. Or how low level I should start. Should I grab a library like tesseract and do my own feature extraction or libs that spit out semi-structured objects with text and hope it returns something similar enough across store receipts to make sense of consistently?
I'm ok with this being an extended project, but I would like some input on choosing a solid library with accurate OCR and advice on how to approach training/parsing from someone with more experience.
Other solutions and advice are also welcome++.
,Offer HN: I'll make a decal for your startup.I make vinyl decals. It's not a business - I do it for fun. It's extremely satisfying to see an idea come to life so quickly, and the labor itself is somewhat therapeutic. I genuinely enjoy the creative process involved with making vinyl decals, and I sure could use a break from these brain-busting college courses. If there could only be one community I would give back to, this would definitely be the one.
So here's my offer: You have a startup. I make decals. I will make a vinyl decal for your startup - for free. You can stick it on your office window to appear more legitimate or slap it on the back of your car for advertising. I really don't care what you do with it, as long as it is your company's logo and/or website. These decals will be 'die-cut' style, meaning there is no background or border. Here are some examples for clarification:
No trademarked logos (unless you own the trademark). To keep things simple, let's do matte black or matte white only, maximum size 5'x8', and no crazy intricate designs. Single color logo/text (see examples).
Final thought: not sure how to handle shipping. Obviously there would be shipping costs incurred, but I don't feel comfortable charing HN for shipping. Any thoughts on how to handle this?
If your interested in a decal for your startup, send me an email at lorendburton (at) gmail.com, with .ai or .eps file attached. Please specify size and color.
Let's have fun with this! I'm interested to see how this idea is received, considering most 'Offer HN' threads have been in regards to services. I am not looking for any personal gain here, unless you consider having fun and bringing ideas to life to be personal gain..
,Show HN: A branching, text-based game hidden in the cloudYou stumble down a forest path. Above you, trees blot out the sun. The trees have craggy branches and ugly names: impostor syndrome, production outage, technical debt. You're searching for Cloud Castle, but it's nowhere to be found.
Far down the path, you glimpse an ancient wizard approaching. Multicolored symbols cover his robe. Many are foreign to you, but you do recognize the Kubernetes logo. Instinctively, you cower in fear.
The wizard hands you a priceless EMERALD. "Do not be afraid. You control your destiny," he intones. "But to escape this wilderness and reach the cloud, you must collect a few more gems of wisdom."
He gestures toward a fork in the path. "Compute or storage? Which will you learn?"
"I...I don't know," you whisper. "But I can't stay here any longer."
The wizard lifts his hand in farewell. You don't notice that his fingers are crossed.
If you choose the storage path, use your AWS CLI to examine the S3 bucket cloud-adventure-bucket for further clues.
If you choose compute, create an Amazon EC2 instance from the public AMI ami-03e669e72372a5691 in the us-east-1 region and explore the root volume..
,Ask HN: I'm 17. Should I drop school for YC S12?I'm extremely interesting in applying to Y Combinator for this summer. The only problem is that I'm still in Cegep (a two-year college for Quebec students before they go to university - I'm 17) and so if ever I get chosen, I still have one more year remaining to complete my program (International Baccalaureate in Pure & Applied Science).
I don't think I would drop it, because I ultimately intend to go in computer science at Stanford. Therefore, I would have to leave the Bay Area at the end of August in order to move back in Quebec and stay there during the year and come back in the summer when I'm finish my program.
I would still have time to work on my startup during the year, but at a much lower pace (2-3 hours each night and 8-12 hours on weekends). The other guy on my team (he's 17 too) is in a much less intensive program then me and he could continue working almost full-time on the startup.
Yet, if you guys tell me that I would absolutely need to continue working full-time on my startup, I will consider dropping school more seriously. It would be hard for me, but if it's really necessary I could do it. The thing is, the program I'm currently in, International Baccalaureate, is a program that I must complete in two years. The special thing about this program is that we are the same group for every class (we started 40 now we're 28). If I drop/fail a course, I'm out. And I then need to go in regular science. If ever I were to be selected for YC, the choice would be quite hard as I said, because I really enjoy my program, I'm fond of the other students and I appreciate the teachers a lot. And I also fear that I won't go back to school if I enter the startup world.
At least, I'd like to finish my program and then maybe take a break from school to focus on my startup. My program requires a lot of effort, it's considerably more challenging than regular science, and I just don't see myself dropping it when I'll be halfway through it, but still there's a lot of chance I would - it's 50/50. I'm constantly debating in my head whether I should drop or stay, but I guess I'll wait to see if I'm selected for YC to make a final decision. Ultimately, I feel I would drop my program, because YC is such an amazing opportunity and also because I have a very good co-founder who is a long-time friend of mine. He would definitely succeed in convincing me :P
Moreover, I'm the only one writing code. My co-founder (who's currently studying in Business Management) will be working on the marketing (posting on the blog, making videos showcasing the app, posters in schools and other places, talking with other companies so that they use our app, etc.) I also have a graphic designer that will not be directly involve in the startup but that will do my logo and help me design icons, textures, etc.
Without even knowing anything about my idea (I can tell you though that even if I'm the only technical founder, it's not an overwhelmingly complex app and I am confident that I could manage the coding alone. All features would get implemented during the summer. During the year, I would only make little changes to the user interface and update the content of the app, but I probably wont implement radically new features, that is if I choose to stay in school. The goal during the year would be to get as much users as possible and thats exactly what my co-founder would be working on full-time. Complex new features would get implemented in the following summer.), because really I don't want to be chosen for my idea but rather for my team (I've got this interesting idea that I want to work on, and I like it because I would actually use the app, and actually, Ive got a bunch of startup ideas (Im the kind of guy that always has tons of ambitious projects going on and new ideas in mind: I want to code apps, make feature films and crazy edits, learn new monologues by heart, run marathons, travel around the world and learn new things!), but this particular one is not too complex to implement, yet if it turns out that I choose to do a completely different project, then so be it! Anyway, I dont think the idea I apply with matters that much (but it ought to be good obviously), because anybody could apply to YC with a similar idea and develop a similar app. But would they really be as much passionate as us about the app and as much caring about the users, would they achieve to convince companies of using it, would they convince people of using it? I know we would. My point is that Im expecting to be chosen a lot more because of my team than because of my idea. (If you're interested to know what my app is though, email me (frabrunelle@gmail.com) or skype with me (francisbrunelle)). I want to build useful products and it thrills me that with the internet millions of people could be using them! But what thrills me even more is that if ever I do YC, I would be hanging around with dozens of other developers that are in the same situation as me. I want to discuss and debate about ideas with those developers. It would be an insanely great and enjoyable experience. And thats exactly why I want to do YC: for the experience.), do you think I have any chance of getting selected? Or should I wait for next summer, when I will have finish my program? The thing though is that I will still continue to go to school (Stanford, MIT, McGill or somewhere), so again I will have the same problem as the one I have right now.
I truly enjoy school but the real reason I want to go in c.s. at Stanford is to meet other c.s. students and start a startup with them. I'm also interested in studying in theatre, so I'm really not dropping school soon. But I don't want to wait after university to finally apply for YC, I feel ready now. The reason I want to go through YC is to meet interesting people, discuss ideas and because I'm sure it would be a tremendous experience. If I don't get chosen, I will still develop my app over the summer, but I just think YC is an outstanding opportunity and that I ought to at least submit an application. I will continue submitting applications every summer until I'm chosen.
P.S. As a developer, I'm not that skilled, but I always manage to figure things out by myself and find a way to do what I want. If I'm stuck, I don't easily give up. Nevertheless, I'm more of an idea guy. I'm currently following tutorials from http://www.raywenderlich.com/store since December in order to get more familiar with the iOS 5 SDK. When I'll finish them, I'll look at the Parse SDK (http://parse.com) and then at the Facebook iOS SDK (https://developers.facebook.com/). I will then code an app similar to FML but it will be called 'You know you're in IB when...', IB being the program I'm currently in. I will integrate the Parse SDK and the Facebook iOS SDK in this app. It's a simple app that I want to do for testing purposes and also because I know that my other classmates would actually use it and that fact motivates me a lot. I will then start working on the real app that I want to do for my startup. My goal is to have a working app with bare minimum features for the end of May so that I have something to show if ever I move to the Bay Area. I'm working toward this goal 2-3 hours everyday and 8-12 hours on weekends..
,Ask HN: If a t-shirt includes a logo (FB, AT&T) is it automatically infringement?I want to make a t-shirt that shows my dissatisfaction with some companies and also in support of others. Basic example for simplicity:
"Vote Yes DuckDuckGo"
"AT&T Sucks"
Is it infringement to use a logo/symbol on a shirt as fair use as long as it is clearly not representative of the companies service/product? If a logo is not useable would text equiv; e.g. AT&T instead of their branding, be useable?
Does it matter if the t-shirt is for sale vs. personal use?
,How I design logos for side projects as a non-designer
Reddit Images 77

MRW I'm browsing r/aww with my 3 year old niece, letting her choose, and she keeps picking the robot (Reddit logo) for text-only posts, and I realize she'll probably love Reddit forever because of me. 0

Hello. I’m looking for someone who can change the text on the chupa chups logo to two different names. 1

Any ideas on substitutions for what Gohan is wearing here? A real purple Gi (especially one with no text or logos on it) would be crazy expensive 2
![[EvanWebeck] Joc Pederson was waiting for us after the game, with receipts from his group text exchange with Tommy Pham. He sent a GIF of three weightlifters with Giants, Dodgers and Padres logos superimposed on them. The Padres guy collapsed under the weight of his dumbbell. (1/)](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/prixws9vQwCKFqgdXTka2QnYXsIIyntj_LFcnXmrRRk.jpg)
[EvanWebeck] Joc Pederson was waiting for us after the game, with receipts from his group text exchange with Tommy Pham. He sent a GIF of three weightlifters with Giants, Dodgers and Padres logos superimposed on them. The Padres guy collapsed under the weight of his dumbbell. (1/) 3

Made a logo for a South African food shop, and also made a couple of banners too. I haven’t kerned the text yet so still needs a little work. Let me know what you think thus far. Thank you :) 4

How To Create 3D Stone Rock Text Effect For Your Logo | Photoshop Tutorial 5

Designing a logo for my fire performing hobby. I created over 30 iterations, there's various color patterns. But I think this one is the one I might end up choosing. I appreciate any suggestions. I'm unsure if the font type, letting, spacing is appropriate or If i should leave out the text 6

How To Create 3D Stone Rock Text Effect For Your Logo | Photoshop Tutorial 7

How To Create 3D Stone Rock Text Effect For Your Logo | Photoshop Tutorial 8

How To Create 3D Stone Rock Text Effect For Your Logo | Photoshop Tutorial 9

TIL because Pillsbury forced The Great British Bake Off to be called The Great British Baking Show in the US, a lot of creative editing had to be done to obscure the logo in the show, including using computer-assisted VFX to change the text on the trophy 10

How To Create 3D Stone Rock Text Effect For Your Logo | Photoshop Tutorial 11
![[For Hire] Logo design with or without text. With a cartoon style, artistic. Vector logo. For more information you can talk to me by message.](https://a.thumbs.redditmedia.com/uaFTaxrvsvbvCJAxsDE8fjQ6TbN855ovyyaiqe6AjV4.jpg)
[For Hire] Logo design with or without text. With a cartoon style, artistic. Vector logo. For more information you can talk to me by message. 12

Threw the logo and text on this AI generated art withe the prompt Hallowed Be Thy Name 13
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