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in today's video i'm going to show you, how you can create a beautiful looking, logo for your website or your brand for, free now if you've ever made the search, for a free logo maker or logo maker or, something like that on google search, you've been bombarded with options, because there are hundreds of different, logo makers available for you to use so, the question is not how to find logo, maker but the question is how to find, the right logo maker for you and what i, did was i researched over 40 different, logo makers i went on their websites i, read the terms and conditions i actually, tried to create logos with all these, different logo makers and i found the, one which checks all the important check, boxes you should look for when creating, a logo what are the check boxes what are, the conditions let me tell you about, them the first thing to look out for is, a wide icon library because without a, wide icon library you won't be able to, create or customize your logo to a great, degree you'll be stuck with a design, that is very similar to other designs, out there the second thing to look for, is good typography options because if, you don't have group typography options, again your website or your logo will, look like just all the other logos out, there you want to be able to customize, the font and typography and you need a, good mark control over typography of, your logo the next thing that you should, look out for is if the logo maker, actually allows you to download a high, resolution version of your logo because, a lot of websites what they offer is a, free logo maker but when you go and, download the free version it's so tiny, that you will have to probably look, through a microscope to understand what, the logo is so that's very important as, well and the last and the most important, thing to keep in mind is that the logo, should be copyright free, because what happens is a lot of logo, makers will let you download their logo, and use it for free but when they find, out that you've been using their logo to, a successful business or a successful, website that's when they'll contact you, and say hey you cannot use our user, logos for commercial purposes you need, to pay us this much money to use our, logo and then you are done for so that's, why it's very very important to choose a, logo maker that checks all these boxes, so that you can create a beautiful, looking logo that suits your brand your, identity and also looks great on your, website so keeping all these factors in, mind the logo maker i found the best at, least that fulfills all these criteria, is called, logomaker.net this is how the website, looks like you can see all the stuff, here all the things that they offer and, of course a link will be in the, description of this video to not only, this logo maker but all the uh, other logo makers i try i'll try to, include, all the logo makers as a google, spreadsheet so you can verify all the, logo makers are tried but this one is, the best according to me so let's go, ahead and make a quick logo with, logomaker.net, so the first thing you need to do is, select a category of your logo that, means what category your website or your, brand or your business isn't it so that, logo maker can recommend a good looking, logos in that department so for example, i'm creating a website for let's say for, example a barber shop so i'll type in, here maybe b a r b, barber and i see a recommendation right, here i'll click this option and i'll say, or click start designing logo, and instantly i see logo maker is, recommending a lot of beautiful looking, logos to me and from the looks of it you, can see that the logo makers or the, logos that are recommended are quite, unique they're not very similar they're, not, boring they're pretty interesting logos, and you have a variety of options to, choose from you have a modern looking, logo you have like old classic kind of, logo and if you click this eye icon on, any of these logos you can see a big, preview of the actual logo so this one, looks good to me this one also looks, good to me the colors are pretty modern, but let's say you want to go with this, logo or this logo so any logo that you, want to choose to create or customize, your logo you can just go ahead and, click this use this template button and, this will allow you to start customizing, this template so click right here and, load the logo in the logo editor so as, you can see the demo logo has been, loaded into the interface and there are, a lot of things that you need to, understand about the interface so that, you can take or maximize the advantage, or maximize the customization options so, let me first show you all the options, available and then we'll customize this, according to whatever i think is a great, looking logo all right so on the left, you have few different options the first, one is called templates and it will show, you all the different variety of, templates you have available so for, example you have architecture logo you, have a barber logo where you just chose, and what you can do is if you want to, change uh this interface or change the, actual logo you're using as a template, you can always go to let's say see all, and if you want to change you can just, click on the new logo for example i can, click this use this template and the new, template will be instantly loaded right, here this is pretty simple so that you, don't have to worry about oh where do i, go back you can just click right here so, let's just for fun let's click on this, one and use this one instead instead of, the old one that we were using so i'll, click this one and this new interface is, now loaded right, so i can go back and do the same thing, again if i change categories definitely, it's not something that you would do on, the baba logo but it's still a, possibility the second option is the, option of adding shapes because a logo, is a, or to customize a logo to enhance a logo, to maybe design or stylize logo you can, add different different shapes so you, have simple shapes you can see a circle, a rectangle a rectangle with round, circles and if you click see all you'll, find a variety of shapes that you can, add and then even add colors to these, shapes to just give it a bit of a, zing to your logo but if you go back you, also have foliage you have gradients, gradients also beautiful if you use, those or if you won't want to use them, to stylize your logo again you'll need, some sort of understanding of the colors, of your brand already to use this but, again we don't need to add a lot of, details it's minimal is best or let's, say, less is more in the logo department but, what i'm showing you is that you have, all these options available you can have, animals you have lines you have organic, rainbows you have different colored, shapes drawn objects and a lot of, options to customize and like beautify, your logo right then you have the text, options which obviously make sense you, can add more text if you want to or, customize this i'll show you how to do, that and you also have the background, option so right now the background of, this logo is completely white which is, perfect because you can just cut this, out and use it on the website but then, sometimes you want a colored background, as well so that's also an option, available just for kicks i'll show you, how it looks, right so changing back to white right, now we'll customize or use this option, and this is the option for layers, because every logo has multiple layers, stacked on on top of each other which, create the actual logo so if you click, this button it will show you all the, layers that this logo comprises of which, you can see the text is a set of, different layers the scissor icon is a, different layer the comb icon is a, different layer so you can customize, each of these separately to create a, beautiful looking logo and you can also, close and open this logo or layers by, clicking the button right here so this, is the left left of the interface on the, right of the interface i already showed, you the logo uh which, pops up when you click right here and, you have also all these options which, you can use to customize each of the, elements so you have a copy option so, you can copy and duplicate any of these, elements you can move it around you can, add a url to them not applicable to a, logo but to an image then you can lock, this that nobody you cannot customize it, and you can of course delete it so let's, say for example i want to add a thick, layer of text once again so what i'll do, is go to text or you can i can just, click and select this and i can copy it, so i'll create a copy of this layer i, can move it around and if i don't like, it i can always delete it so whatever, you click on will be selected and then, whatever customizations you will apply, will apply to that specific layer, so let's start with uh let's say the, chrome icon let's say i click this and, now i have the customization options, load up for all this or specifically the, chrome icon and you can see the current, color that is assigned which is right, here is also reflected here and also the, document colors are also listed here, this is very very important let's say, this logo is very simple and doesn't use, a lot of colors but if there was a logo, that used like 10 different colors, instead of trying to guess the color of, what this is you will always be, presented with all the colors in the, document right here so you can click one, of this and the logo will be instantly, customized using that color it's very, powerful and removes a lot of guesswork, from the design so just for example, let's say i pick a blue color and, instantly i have a blue looking color, and what i can do is also add a new, color or customize or pick a brand, completely brand new color that's also, possible so for now let's say i wanna my, brand identity is more suited towards, the blue color so i'll click this and of, course i'll also change the text later, on but i'm gonna show you a few, different options here as well in the, color department again you have the, option of opacity so you can what you, can do is if you just want to create a, little bit of highlight so you can, reduce the opacity of any of this uh, elements and then the opacity will be, reflected right here so right now this, can also create a looking stylish, looking effect but let's say for right, now you don't want to add or make these, changes to or you don't want to reduce, the opacity that works too you also have, the option of flipping this so this can, work this can work you can also flip, this vertically depending on the kind of, elements you're using and of course if, you want to rotate and resize this all, you have to do is come over to any of, these corners and just, hover over this, small dot i'll just try and highlight, that on the screen, probably you can see it and you'll see, the logo or your cursor actually, changing to a double-sided arrow and, then what you can do is just click and, hold, and drag it out, and this will become bigger, so if you want to you can resize the, elements as well pretty simply right now, i'm gonna go just go overboard and show, you how it's possible sorry folks i had, a bit of a technical mishap and i was, doing something to the logo and i forgot, that my camera stopped recording so, coming back what i was going at is you, have the option of resizing the elements, as well right now you can see this, particular element i resized it to a, particularly large size so let me just, go back and fix it what i'll go do is, again go back to one of the corners, just go and just slide it so that i'll, probably see this is an appropriate size, and this looks decent in my opinion uh, in terms of size and that's how you, customize and change the size of, anything you can this works with, text as well and any of the icons that, are added to, the logo as well so that's the simplest, way to customize the colors let's also, try and see if it works of any other, icons for example if i click the scissor, icon again i'll see the same controls, i'll have the document options i can, change the color very very easily now, let's go to the text option because of, course as i mentioned i want to change, the text color to match this icon that i, used so i'll go or just click on the, text and i make sure that the right text, is selected by looking at the borders, right here so i can see that the is, right now selected and i'll go and just, pick this color because this is the one, i chose and instantly the color will be, applied to that text layer as well and i, can do the same thing with this this one, as well or this text right now i can, click this now one important tip to keep, in mind is always look out for what, layer you're selecting for example i, actually clicked this layer but from the, border i can kind of make out that this, is the layer the best barber layer is, actually selected so i can see also the, current layer is black because this is, black so what i can do is just use a, workaround i can just move this out of, the way for now, click this, change the color, and this is the color set i'll go back, and click this to select this and just, move it back into place and of course, the smart guides as you can see on, screen help me layer or like place the, all the elements in a precise manner so, that the spacing and everything that, makes for a good logo is not lost so, right now again you can see instantly i, started with a red logo but now just, customize uh this to my liking now let's, say i don't want or these uh i'd say, pieces of text right here i don't want, the duh i don't want simply the best i, just want to add a best barber or i'd, say let's say uh deep cut or any kind of, brand name that i can think of for a, barber let's do that so what i'll do is, i'll just go ahead go ahead and click, the the icon or the text and right now, select it i can go right here and click, the delete button or also press delete, on my keyboard and this layer has been, deleted i'll do the same thing for this, layer but again keeping in mind this is, with what's there selected you should, keep in mind so i'll just move this out, of the way for a second i'll go ahead, and just click this once again, and click the delete, and now i'll select this i'll just move, it, maybe to the middle of the screen and, this again the smart guide is helping me, align, where i should place the text for uh not, keeping making it too crowded or not, making it too spacious or just making it, more looking more professional so right, now you can see the logo looks pretty, good now i'm going to change the text so, in the text area what i can do is i can, just click it and i'll see all the, options of course you have the color, options which you can customize but you, also have the typography option which i, was mentioning so you have you can add, new text you can also add a text effect, and this is something that you won't, find in many text editors you can add a, drop shadow you can add a border you can, add a lift and a lot of different, effects again don't go overboard just, for demonstration i'm going to show you, how it's going to look like so if i add, this you can instantly see the shadow is, created for this, and again i can go here and try and pick, the same color i don't remember the, color code but let me make a guess on, what this color was somewhere in the, blue region right so i'll just try and, recreate the same color, and you can see the text shadow has been, added and it's very subtle and that's, again, you should try and be more subtle with, your logo don't go over it and add a lot, of graphics and text and i think this, looks like a good effect to have on this, but there are a lot of different uh, things you can change of course you have, the text options that means you can, change the typography you change the, text size you can also change the text, size by just doing this as i mentioned, but let's keep it simple for now you can, change the line spacing or word spacing, and also the vertical spacing again you, have the option of bold italic, underlined which is common for any text, editor but this is also welcome here, then you have change uh change the, alignment of the text left line right, line and middle or justified and then, uppercase and lowercase and all that, good stuff again you can also change the, opacity of the uh text layer and this is, something that gives or you might think, that okay these are basic stuff that you, can do anywhere but, trust me i've tried out over 40 logo, makers and i couldn't find all of these, options or all these, different options in a good logo maker, which also, checked all the other boxes i was, talking about, so, just in a few minutes i customized a, different looking logo with a completely, different looking style and again i just, showed you all the different options, that are available to customize this, logo and the the idea here is to not, create a perfect logo but idea is to, show you all the options available so, you can go out and use this tool to, create a beautiful looking logo for, yourself so what i'll do again the logo, is made now what we need to do is, download the logo so that we can start, using it on our website right so the big, yellow download button is right here of, course you can see it, so what you can do is just click the, download button and you'll be presented, with three different options png, a jpg, and pdf and i would always recommend, that when you download the logo you use, the png option because not only it will, preserve the colors but also it's a, lossless format so there's no quality, loss when you download a png image and, the best part about logomaker.net is it, will give you a very very high, resolution image so even if you're using, a website maybe you can print it on a, business card you can even print it on, the letterhead and the size will be, sufficient so that there's no quality, loss when getting a print done so i'll, click this button, and it takes a couple of minutes to, finish this so once this is done once, once the logo is downloaded on my, website i'll show you how it looks okay, while i was speaking this is done so let, me just quickly pause the video and i'll, open this up in a on my computer and, i'll show you how the logo looks, alright so i just opened up the logo, file that i downloaded on my computer, and it looks just absolutely beautiful, it looks crisp there is no quality loss, it's just perfectly, beautiful looking and a fun fact the, actual dimensions of the logo that we, downloaded from this website keep in, mind it's completely free there's no uh, there's no need to sign up and they're, completely copyright free that means you, can use this on your website uh printed, materials business cards led reds and, anywhere even if you're on your, marketing material for free is 1500 by, 1500 pixels so this is a complete square, 1500 pixels just to give some, perspective, most websites are designed with the, aspect ratio or i would say a width of, 1200 pixels in mind, and this logo is 1500 pixels wide that's, how crisp the resolution of this logo is, so even if you let's say you get it, printed on mugs or you get it printed on, maybe some sort of marketing material, that you're printing out physical, products you can use this logo and the, best part is no legal obligations of, course you can use it on your website as, well you might need to crop and make, sure the background is transparent in, some cases but i'm pretty sure you can, figure it out if you don't we will make, a few videos on that very soon so make, sure you are subscribed to this channel, and i'll add some footage on screen, right here so that you can see how, beautiful this logo looks on a beautiful, looking website there's no quality loss, it looks perfect it's well designed and, of course all of this was done for free, of course if you want to learn how to, build a beautiful website so that you, can use a beautiful logo like this on, your website make sure to click this, playlist right here which is a set of a, collection of videos made by us and show, you how to make a beautiful looking, website, for your uh business or your brand and, if you're interested in more video, tutorials just like this one make sure, you subscribe to this channel you're, watching and listening to your raj from, the brainstorm first team catch you in, the next video take care and stay safe
A Viable Career as a Freelance Logo Designer?,Being a Freelancer Logo Designer - Its in the Small Print,Logo Design Budgets – Freelance Designer or Client to Decide?,Collection of unused logos for freeHi, I’m a logo designer and for the past couple years I have unused concepts of logos that are piling up on my hard drive and I decided to give them for free, maybe for use in personal/school projects, or a placeholder for web developer when making sites for clients etc.
By giving them free it doesn’t mean I’m talking about crappy work here. Check it out yourself. http://www.picograf.com/junk.
,Show HN: DIY Logo Designer Based on HTML5,Launch HN: Awesomic (YC S21) – Get design tasks done with 24-hour turnaroundHi HN, I'm Stacy from Awesomic (https://www.awesomic.io/). Awesomic is a website where you create a design task and receive a draft from a professional designer in 24 hours.
On freelance platforms, it takes up to 7-14 days to find the right designer. You negotiate, then manage, and you need to look for a new person every time a new task is needed, like branding first and then a website design for web and mobile. With Awesomic, our algorithm connects you based on availability and expertise required. Then, you never manage this person or worry about deadlines—we do it automatically and guarantee a 24h turnaround. You have all skills covered under one fixed price subscription.
While running a local online business (coding school, the first Github partner in the CIS region), we had the hard time hiring the right designer part-time. We experienced a lack of quality, style consistency and speed as freelancers changed. Roman, my co-founder, thought that being matched with the right person on subscription would be the perfect solution. We got traction in 10 days just from the idea, with no product. Our first client was YC alumni Outtalent, and the next 20 clients came from word of mouth. Our best-selling ad was a napkin left in a co-working space—it brought us People.ai as a client.
For the first 2 months, we emulated the app processes manually and turned the tasks around in 24 hours via email. Since then we’ve been gradually building software for everything that can be automated, including matching tasks, managing daily updates, files and communication.
Our matching algorithm defines the criteria of each task (like timezone, type of task, software) and finds the best-fit designer due to them. When you create a logo task, you work with the best logo/branding designer. When you do an app or landing page that requires different skills, an algorithm will match you with a great UI/UX designer. If you like the result, you will continue to work with the same person based on matching.
When you log into our app (https://app.awesomic.io/login), you can choose any popular design task brief or add a custom one. Then you describe the task, and it gets matched with the best-fit designer. In 24 hours you see the first results, and every business day a new update is guaranteed for you. So you can iterate fast on any visuals and stick to your deadlines. The expertises covered are branding, graphics, product UI/UX design and animations. You communicate with the designers directly in the app, via comments or screenshare calls. All files are stored on private DigitalOcean Spaces and are accessible over the platform, so you don’t need to go back and forth between various tools, email, etc. We operate on a subscription model, but it is flexible: startups can upgrade/downgrade or cancel their plans anytime. This helps to stay cost-effective and scale easily.
Here’s a case study on how we made a redesign for the most funded app on Kickstarter: http://awesomic.io/case-study/memory-os. Here’s one on a Norwegian fitness startup using us for 18+ months already—their app is in the top 10 most popular apps in the country: https://www.awesomic.io/case-study/entirebody.
As specialists, we’ve been reading HN for quite some time and we are really excited to share our story with you. We would love to hear back from the community! How do you manage your design tasks? What is the most painful?.
,Ask HN: Freelance graphic designGreetings fellow hackers...
I have a fair bit of design work I would like to have done in the near future. It includes....
1. Aesthetic-only redesign of our website (just some templates really, not the actual finished product. we can handle content and the HTML drudgery),
2. Some print media brochures of our products,
3. some tradeshow displays and business cards.
We already have a great logo but unfortunately our designer has moved on to bigger and better things.
There's two avenues I want to explore:
1. I know there are some sites where you can post freelance design work like this for people to bid on. I have forgotten what the good ones are; does anybody recommend a site and/or person who has done work for them in this fashion.
2. If you know a freelance designer (preferably a person and not a firm) who can do most or all of above described things in the 4-7k range (depending on the quality of their portfolio) whom you recommend, I am all ears. We are on a budget as you might expect and I can't really afford to pay more than this.
Thanks in advance all..
,Ask HN: How best to collaborate with designers?Have you ever hired a freelancer to do design work? Did you have a clear idea of what you were looking for, or only a vague notion of what's good and bad?
I fall under 'yes and the latter'. I recently hired a logo designer on eLance and I feel like good communication can make the difference between a mediocre and a great final design. But I'm not super-good at articulating what I like/dislike about an iteration and feel unhelpful giving feedback like 'this logo doesn't feel right'.
So I figure some of you out there must have been in my position before, perhaps they even learned a few things from the experience. Maybe you can share some wisdom or point me to a good article on the subject? It will be greatly appreciated :)
,Show HN: My Brand New Logo, a professional design for everyoneMy Brand New Logo is an online, automatic logo creator that provides professional designs for everyone who needs a logo:
In the past, working with a designer to design a logo was an expensive effort. My Brand New Logo solves that by automating the design process of a professional design studio. This gives you access to professional logos at a fraction of the price.
I made this web service because after years of running a design agency, I saw an increase in the need for logos, but noticed that hiring a professional designer is mostly out of reach for those that just started a new business. My experience as both designer and developer lead to the idea of creating an automatic logo machine that creates affordable, professional logos. This provides everyone with the ability to design a striking logo. My Brand New Logo is for the freelancers, the side project hustlers, the startups.
The general design quality is based on years of experience in graphic and web design. My algorithms follow design principles that I've applied in our design agency and this ensures carefully balanced and good looking logo designs. It's up to date with current trends in graphic design, like shiny gradients, contemporary fonts, geometric patterns and modern shapes. You can really go wild, and it will always look nice.
What really sets My Brand New Logo apart from other logo creators are the general design quality of the logos, special features like smart shapes and sophisticated gradient styles, and the multitude of possibilities to adjust the logos to your own taste.
Everyone can make a beautiful logo with My Brand New Logo.
,Offer HN: will design your corporate identityI’m a professional designer with 10+ years of freelancing experience. I will help fellow entrepreneurs by designing their corporate identity for them for $1000 (normally $7000+). This includes:
Logo design
Letterhead design
Envelope design
Business card design
Notebook cover design
Company t-shirt design
So here's basically what you'll get: http://imgur.com/a/CLdKW
How it works:
Mail me ( johnyboltid@gmail.com ) your startup name and some information about what the business does
I will send you a link to complete a small upfront payment (So I'm sure you're committed, but no worries, you'll get a full refund if you're not happy with the process or end result)
I will then dive right in and start working on your corporate identity and when all the designs are finished, I will send over all the files and you can finish the payment. Again: Money back guarantee if you're not happy.
First I'll be working on a logo if you don't have any, based on that, the other designs will be rolled out rather quickly.
Will do this for 1 month for a limited amount of people, then this little experimental-agency gets killed.
First come first served
Will only accept a limited amount of people in order to handle the work
Looking fwd helping you out..
,Free Logo PSD Files for all the Graphics Designer,Tell HN: Steal my ideas #2A while back I submitted a thread with ideas that I had but likely would never use. It got a decent response so I'm back with more free ideas for you to steal. Again I apologize if some of these already exist. If you've got your own, why not share them below?
Idea #1) Kickstarter in a box
It seems like every day I see a new story or blog post about X new product that was funded on Kickstarter. But what do the projects that get funded have in common? Usually they tend to have high quality videos, great photos of their prototypes, good rewards, clear and effective copy, etc.
However, the people with neat projects may not know much about video production, they aren't photographers, they may not have a website for their product, they may not be great writers, may not know marketing, etc. So the idea is to have a consulting firm that would offer a full service Kickstarter package. You'd get the creator with a great product a website, a high quality video, good donor incentives, great copy, high quality photographs, help marketing etc. In exchange you could take a % of their funding if successful, just like Kickstarter does.
Idea #2) A YC/Techstars consulting firm
The basic idea is that they'd obviously be a prior team or group of individuals that participated in YC/TS who would help hopeful applicants refine their applications, prepare pitches, interview practice, investment advice, etc.
Idea #3) Freelancer deals
The basic gist is that the site would sell the services of freelance designers, developers, writers, marketers, etc, Groupon style. Say you're a good designer but you're looking for work. You normally charge $60/hr. You could offer a special to this site to do 2 hours of work for X people for $20 instead. This would probably be enough time to make a decent logo/layout for someone. Although the designer may be doing work for far below their normal rate, their portfolio would be featured to everyone visiting the site. In addition they'd have the chance of recurring work at their normal rate from anyone who bought their deal. This also gives the buyer a chance to try someone temporarily at a minimal expense before making a bigger commitment.
Idea #4) Teach me
One on one live video music/gaming/etc lessons. Education related startups seem to be a really hot market right now so maybe some of these already exist. The basic idea is that you'd pick a niche and have a site of professionals in that niche. Say musicians for example. You'd be able to pick a guitar player that you like the style of and the site would allow you to take live streaming video lessons for $X/hr. The instructor would be able to give you immediate and instant feedback, etc. You could do this for a lot of industries I'd imagine.
Idea #5) Codecademy for investing
Many people are somewhat clueless about investing and saving for retirement. This site could help teach you on a basic khan academy level about the fundamentals of investing, guide you on the right types of investments for you based on info you provide, help you sort the different packages by various investment firms, etc..
,Launch HN: Parade (YC S20) – Launch your company without hiring a designerHey HN! We’re Alex and David, the founders of Parade (https://getparade.com). Parade uses software to guide founders through early branding decisions, including designing a basic logo, selecting fonts, selecting colors, and defining their company’s overall aesthetic.
A lot of early stage founders are incredible engineers, but lack the ability to make things look “right”. We’ve seen a bunch of our friends launch products to no reception, some of which seemed due to poor design decisions (like, making buttons hard to find or a landing page that looks like it might steal your credit card).
Two years ago, two of my closest friends started a company, raised a small round, and spent tens of thousands of dollars on their initial branding. That was a substantial percentage of their funding, and then their brand entirely changed once they learned more about their customer. After I saw them waste a ton of time and money on this, I realized that it ought to be possible to build software that could have done just as good of a job as the design agency. At the core of it, the designers asked my friends a bunch of questions about how they want their company to be perceived by customers, offered them colors and fonts and a design aesthetic that conveyed those feelings, and then created a mockup of a website that incorporated those elements. So, I decided to build software to do just that.
With Parade, we have taken a traditional brand design interview and turned it into a self-serve software product. You answer a series of questions about how you want your brand to be perceived and receive design aesthetic suggestions based on them. We use machine learning to identify design elements (such as fonts, colors, layouts, use of color, density of information, line and button styles, and visuals) that project the way you want your brand to feel, then present them to you as simple choices. To power the suggestions, we collected training data from both designers and non-designers to understand what emotional reactions these design elements evoke. Because of this technology, we are able to identify the design aesthetics that you want without having to iterate repeatedly or spend hours searching for inspiration. After you make your choices, we use the math behind design theory (such as an algorithm to expand one color into a range of colors that accounts for the difference in perceived contrast based on hue, saturation, and lightness) to flesh out your brand [0].
Right now, after onboarding, you are able to access all of your design elements in a style guide for free through the dashboard. It includes your colors and your fonts, plus a place to download your logo and icon in a few colors. You can see an example of what this looks like here: https://app.getparade.com/hackernews/style-guide or here: https://app.getparade.com/hooli/style-guide. This is similar to the output startups get from a first engagement with a designer, which helps you set up basic, consistent styling for your website and social media profiles.
At this point, we’ve helped thousands of companies create their brands, including YC-backed companies like WellPrincipled (https://www.wellprincipled.com/), Enable (https://www.enable.us/) and MeterFeeder (https://www.meterfeeder.com/).
The next step beyond style guides would be to automatically generate brand assets—things like pitch decks, landing pages, and social media posts. We're working on that. We haven't completely automated it yet, but we are able to create these assets with very rapid turnaround time. Once we get it fully automated, we plan to add subscription features that enable founders to make ready-to-use assets themselves.
In the meantime, we run an agency, serving customers using our work-in-progress software. It’s different from a traditional agency, though—while traditional agencies spend many days asking you about how you want your brand to look, seeking inspiration, and iterating based on your feedback, we are able to capture what you describe through our onboarding survey and create assets with your design elements algorithmically. We are able to deliver most designs within 48 hours, and almost all of our customers have been satisfied without any iteration. Right now, a lot of the algorithmic design work happens via an in-house Figma plugin, which we plan to move onto our platform in 2022 and open up to self-service.
Something that’s surprised us while working on this: we’ve found that our users don’t always believe that their choices are really great. Design is intimidating—you’re aware that there is some psychology of color and also some color theory rules, but aren’t exactly sure what they are. You’ve built things in the past that just didn’t look quite right—how can you be sure the choices you made on Parade are good? Oftentimes, designers will even use words to make themselves seem to know some secret you don’t. We’re trying to reassure our users by surfacing more of the science behind the suggestions we make, and to make sure we encode rules that prevent certain common mistakes.
We would love to hear your thoughts, questions, concerns, or ideas about what we’re building - or about your experiences with automating design in general. We appreciate all feedback and suggestions!
[0] See https://www.w3.org/TR/AERT/#color-contrast for math on color contrast, or https://alienryderflex.com/hsp.html for a good writeup on perceived brightness..
,Ask HN: How to find a good designer for a small project?We're a relatively young B2C software startup looking for a designer that helps us position/brand/style our product more professionally. We are looking for a simple branding package to align the design of our applications and marketing material (logo, typography, icon set, colors, etc.). The budget is $5k - $10k.
Should we look for freelancers instead of agencies? We think that agencies have advantages like faster turnover and multiple involved people who bring in different ideas and concepts. The downside is the higher price.
Is the project/budget too small for an agency?
Where do I look for good designers that fit our needs? Upwork, Dribble, Behance?
Any feedback is greatly appreciated!.
,Would you hire me for freelance work?I'm 19 and I'm going to move out of my parent's basement in a few months and I need to start saving up for rent so I'm trying to look anywhere I can to find long-term clients or short-term work so that I can manage studying without losing all my time on doing non-freelance work.
I'm an educated and experienced graphic, web and web designer looking to do some work. I can help you with
Identity: Logo, Branding, Style
Print, Brochures, Flyers, Books, Covers,
Business Cards, Cards, etc...
Websites: Mock-ups, redesigns, front-end,
touch ups, wordpress, custom theme,
css3, html5, jquery, making your site responsive, ...
I'm still a student but I have a few years of experience with design and freelancing. PM me for any questions or offers.
Website: http://illyism.com
Dribbble: http://dribbble.com/illyism
If you don't like either of those, here is an Imgur album: http://imgur.com/a/gelej.
,Ask HN: How to kickstart an online freelancing career without having contactsAs far as I can tell, most people get started with online freelancing either by signing their previous employers or getting paid horribly on websites like Upwork until they build a reputation.
If I were a web designer, I could put up a design portfolio on a site like Dribbble, directly contact companies that could use a new logo or a website, or even try a website like 99designs in the beginning.
If you are a software developer, is there any straightforward way of finding online software development jobs? I’m interested in finding gigs that are relatively complex, and not just setting up a Wordpress website for a business (although obviously there is nothing wrong with doing that, it’s just not what I’m looking for).
Edit: I completely agree with everyone recommending networking locally, but there isn't a very vibrant tech ecosystem where I'm currently residing in, and I am planning on moving out soon.
Moving out will take six months to a year though, and I wonder if there is anyone who kickstarted a career strictly online, while I completely understand and agree that it is not the ideal way to do it..
,Free and Open Source Logos Designs for Your Dev Projects – Www.developerbox.xyzHi,
I know how hard is for developers aka "hackers" to come up with the design of a NPM package icon, web service/app
- which is pretty important to how "outsiders" perceive your solution.
I'm a designer by trade, and done an interesting project for developers.
It's an open source logo library where you can download a logo, customize it and use it on your project - no attribution or other stuff involved.
The website is http://developerbox.xyz .
I would like to hear your thoughts :).
,Ask HN: I'm starting a free development blog. Would you like to donate a logo?I am an experienced software engineer, many projects have gone into gathering my little book of notes on algorithms and data structures in many languages. I will be creating a blog which will cover one problem a week and will be free to read or subscribe to. I will also take requests if anyone has a particular problem which will is torturing them at any given time.<p>I don't have an eye for design though, and I would like to appeal to the community for a user here who does, andwould like to create a logo for me. I can't afford to pay for it as I am currently broke due to thankgs-giving, christmas and other financial commitments.<p>Maybe you are an up and coming designer who needs some portfolio expansion? Maybe you are just nice enough to do some free work. I have given many hours of my lif to open source development, and would really appreciate if someone could do this for me.<p>Thanks in advance..
,Solicit HN: DesignerI'm posting this in HN because I like the audience from a technical point of view, as well as intellectual. I am hoping I could find someone:
We are a very young start up. We believe in our idea and so do people we speak with (not our mothers, but people who dont care about hurting our feelings :-) ). We have not reached out to any VC because we want to have something more substantial before we take that step.
2 founders in our 30s: a business school alum (with a hands on tech background) working in the valley, a programmer with industry experience. Node.js, mongodb, redis, etc. We are in need for someone who can do:
1. Logo designn2. Visual designn3. User Interactionn4. eCommercen5. Branding
In particular we are looking for someone who has previous experience designing Consumer Internet eCommerce sites. But a good eye will get you a long way...
My motivation posting here is two fold:
1) This is a community of hackers where (almost) everyone is trying to create something new many times with limited resources. So, maybe we could reach some sort of equity/payment agreement (I'm not implying you should work for free, of course, but you'd be open to equity, if you like the idea).
2) This is really a bonus: I was hoping we could find someone artistic in the HN community who has the ability to also create the front end (take psd files s/he is creating, transform them to HTML+CSS, and maybe even do some jQuery stuff). However, someone good who just wants to focus on design and forget about the technical stuff is ok as well.
Leave contact info if interested (or if you know of someone else who might be), or email:
,Logo and Icon designers hi, I am currently developing a website and I am not the most talented graphic designer out there. The theme of my page is playfulness - kind of like the 2005 Charlie and chocolate factory or Katy Perry's California Girl. I have the general template set up, but want to add in Logos and Icon/Badges to make the page more alive.
Does anyone have any freelancer to recommande or is a freelancer themselves looking for work, please pm me. Thank you!.
Reddit Images 88

Jeta Logo Designer FREE – Software for Design Quality Logo - Lankatricks 0

#BitcoinRenegade Fan Logo Designs!! Free Crypto giveaway!! 1

I did one of those hologram videos for my space travel logo design free for you to use 2

I will design 3 modern minimalist logo design free vector files 3

Hello, I am a young and beginner graphic designer. I can make your band logo for you for free or some promo. I would be happy to accept some donations so I can grow musically (I am a drummer and I need a new cymbal ^^). Some of my works with imaginary bands. 4

hi check it out I designed this logo in my free time 5

Coincidence? Or is Lucy’s logo designer a filthy privateer? A small shop in South Africa. 6

I understand dropping $$$ on well constructed designer goods, but spending $2K + on rubber rain boots just bc they slapped a logo onto them reveals a stunning lack of personal style. You know damn well she (and any other influencer) would not be buying them without the logo. 7

Hi! I'm a product design student that is trying to do a logo (my first logo btw) for my school workgroup and win a bet with a friend (the prize is the ethernal respect and a coffee),I'm really just a noob that want to improve and free coffee, every feedback is appreciated. more info in the comments 8
![[For Hire] Logo and Brand Designer](https://b.thumbs.redditmedia.com/rxCABncgRovGYpE77-_3nJRb08YFxj0eCwxVf-SMHKA.jpg)
[For Hire] Logo and Brand Designer 9

Yesterday I posted something asking how people felt about our running coyote alternate. Many people were saying they might like it if it was Kachina so I took a shot at it. Let me know your thoughts! (Ignore the logo I'm not a graphic designer) 10
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