10 logo design ideas
logo design ideas
Looka helps you generate unique logo ideas…. 01. Select. Enter your business name and … 0
The FreeLogoDesign logo maker lets you design a logo for your business in just a few clicks - … 1
5 Travel Logo Design Ideas That Will Attract Tourists • Online Logo Maker's Blog 2
45 Logo Design Ideas for Inspiration | Logaster 3
minimalist and unique logo design for you and your business for $10 - SEOClerks 4
Professional logo design for your business. Logo is must be unique and creative. for $10 - SEOClerks 5
30+ Stunning 3D Logo Design & Logotype Ideas by Pavel Zertsikel 6
T-shirt logo design creative ideas: 100 MOST CREATIVE LOGO DESIGNS IDEAS 7
Best Logo Design Ideas 38 CDR file - corelpro 8
Logo Designs Evolution - 21 Top Notch Examples 9
45 Logo Design Ideas for Inspiration | Logaster 10
45 Logo Design Ideas for Inspiration | Logaster 11
Professional Logo Design - ChintaFree.com 12
I will make creative and modern logo design for you for $10 - SEOClerks 13
30+ Stunning 3D Logo Design & Logotype Ideas by Pavel Zertsikel 14
Professional Minimalist and creative Logo Design for $10 - SEOClerks 15
ᐈ Fresh Logo Designs Inspiration From Logaster | Logaster 16
Business Logo Design for $15 - SEOClerks 17
Graphic Design Services, Logo Design | Orlando, FL | FeatherDot Productions 18
Modern logo ideas | Canva 19
30 Creative Logo Designs for Inspiration #74 | Logos | Graphic Design Junction 20
Design Unique and Stylish Logo for your Business for $10 - SEOClerks 21
water logo design on Behance 22
32 Creative Logo Design Concept and Ideas for Inspiration #54 | Logos | Graphic Design Junction 23
Get 4 Unique And Professional Logo Design Ideas To Choose From for $50 - SEOClerks 24
i will design minimalist or versatile and business logo design for $10 - SEOClerks 25
Minimal Logo Design with free vector files for $10 - SEOClerks 26
Design an unique and creative logo with vector source file for $10 - SEOClerks 27
25 Inspiring Number Logo Designs | Inspirationfeed 28
I will design creative and professional text logo design for $5 - SEOClerks 29
Professional logo design, YouTube logo making, website logo. for $15 - SEOClerks 30
Best Logo Design Ideas 38 - YouTube 31
Best Logo Design Ideas 41 - YouTube 32
Modern Minimalist Creative Logo Design for $100 - SEOClerks 33
Awesome & Creative Logo Designs For Inspiration | Inspiration | Graphic Design Blog 34
hello everyone welcome back many of you, asked me how to find logo design ideas, it was really a hard question to answer, because I can't teach you creativity but, there is some methods that help you get, creative and come up with great logo, design concepts so today I am going to, walk you through the process of, designing a logo but I will concentrate, on the thinking behind the design part, so don't forget to leave a like and, subscribe and mention in the comment, section what is the most valuable thing, that you find in this video I will share, the top three comment in the next, tutorial and by the end of this video I, will mention the top three of the, previous one, of a nice watching in order to generate, great logo design ideas you have to put, in the time into the thinking behind the, design it's a whole process if you, follow it you will be in good position, to come up with good ideas that works as, great solution for the client's problem, to start the thinking process you have, to collect every information needed of, your client and this can easily done by, creating a creative brief it's a simple, document you send to your clients that, ask thoughtful questions about the, client and his business in order to, gather specific information about the, project and to define your clients, expectations this is my creative brief, document that I send to my clients it, include questions like who are you where, the client can define the business its, activity and its name etc what is your, target audience what values you want to, convey let's use a client as an example, after sending him the creative brief, document he responded with the, information needed the company name is, royal veggies transport, it's a transport company of vegetables, with controlled temperature the client, wanted something elegant and classy at, the same time the logo needs to reflect, the veggies aspect to achieve that we, will use the logos May, keywords to extract some unexpected, ideas this is what we call mind mapping, mind mapping is the creation of a visual, representation of the words related to, the main topic then finding other, associations to these words in order to, generate creative logo ideas finally I, make separated lists each main word with, its associations then I take off the, words that I find in convenience to the, project then I make some combinations of, three words one word from each list so I, can get some unexpected ideas for the, logo for example I will combine, vegetables and crest and wheels or, carrot and crown and wings salt based, set design is thinking made visual so, after all the thinking and the research, process it's time to transform that into, a visual so these are the combinations, of the words that I extracted from the, mind mapping and the word associations, to achieve the right solution for your, logo you have to execute all the, combinations then you filter them and, the stronger survive I will only walk, you through the execution of one, combination which is carrot crown wings, before I dive into the sketching phase I, make a search for some reference images, I try to look at some photos related to, the project and some logos of a similar, subject then I copy the ones that I, car helpful then I make a mood board to, get inspiration from it this is the mood, board that I've made it will help a lot, 20 on the shapes and picking the colors, and so, putting in mind all the information that, I collected before I will start by, sketching it doesn't require being, precise when sketching it's only about, capturing the essence of the idea in, fact anyone can draw as I showed you, before in the mood board I collected, some images I will use it as reference, if you don't know how to draw a carrot, look at a photo of a carrot and try to, do the same thing with simpler form now, I am sketching the different elements of, the combination and exploring different, forms, after making some alternatives of the, ailments I am trying to combine it and, see what I can get, okay these are the sketches that I made, and because it is simple shapes I will, not draw on top of it but I will use it, as reference and design directly on, white I will start by the carrot shape, I'll make a circle then I hold out and, drag it right to duplicate it now I move, this a bit to the left and with the pen, tool I make a horizontal line now I, select everything then with the shape, builder tool I click here to form the, carrot shape I select the new formed, shape then I hold shift and select, everything then I press Delete okay this, is the character shop now I will make, the crown with the pen tool make the, half of the crown like this, then hold out and shift and drag it to, the right then go to object transform, then click on reflect select the, vertical reflect option then I press ok, select the two parts of the crown then, go to the Pathfinder and click on unite, now I make the crown smaller and move it, down a little with the direct selection, tool I hold shift and select the two, anchor points of the corners then I drag, the live widgets to make it a little bit, rounded now I make a horizontal, rectangle then I hold out and drag it, down a little then I press control D to, repeat the action now I select the two, bottom rectangles and make it shorter, then I do the same for the last one with, the direct selection tool I hold shift, and select the bottom right corner of, all the rectangles then I drag the live, widgets to make it rounded with the, direct selection tool select the left, parts then drag it to make it a bit, longer hold out and drag the caret shape, and make it overlapped with the winged, parts like this select the caret shape, with the wing then with the shape, builder hold out and drag over this, parts to take it off, select the wing then hold out and drag, it left and go to object transform then, click on reflect and press ok make it, balanced with the right wing now I will, make this details to give it the carrot, look with the pen tool I make a straight, line from right to left then I increase, the size to 10 points then I change the, width profile to this to make it sharp I, hold out and drag the line here then I, reflect it then I hold out and drag it, down here I hold shift and select the, three lines then I go to object and, click on expand appearance now I press, ctrl-g to group it then I hold shift and, select the character shape then from the, Pathfinder click on minus front okay, this is my first concept now I will try, to make the other one with more straight, lines and sharp corners don't expect to, find the perfect concept from the first, try it may happen but you should always, experiment and explore all the, combinations possible in order to get, your desired design thank you for, watching I hope you enjoyed the video so, don't forget to leave a like subscribe, and as always I will mention the three, best comments in the next video so make, your comment count now I will let you, see the three best comment of the, previous tutorial and see you in another, video
Ask HN: Critique of logo design ideasI've often heard complaints that our current logo looks like it was drawn by a toddler with a paintbrush. One of our users just submitted 48 logo suggestions and many of them seem terrific. I have 9 that are my favorites (but what do I know since I threw the current logo together). I would appreciate feedback as to which ones you'd prefer (and, if you'd be willing to share, the reasons you selected the images you did). Thanks in advance. The comment with the images is at https://valme.io/c/gettingstarted/suggestionbox/h5qqs/project-new-logo-concept-for-valme#c551.
(If it helps, some of the ideas I wanted to incorporate into the logo are at https://valme.io/c/gettingstarted/suggestionbox/h5qqs/project-new-logo-concept-for-valme#c413.).
,Obama logo ideas that weren’t chosen,I will give an original movie illustration logo design with my creative thinkingI will give an original movie illustration Logo Design with my creative thinking for $5
In this service we offer a logo design with a specific style, the monogram or letter mark / letter logo design.
Monogram and letter mark / letter logo is a design consisting of one, two or more alphabetic letters combined or interlaced, commonly one's initials.
Why order from me?
Professional Concept
Unlimited Revisions.
Creative and Unique Ideas
100% Satisfaction or Money back Guaranteed
What you will get?
1000px X100px JPG and PNG files
Vector File
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We designs logos of all of the other categories signature, professional or minimal. You can order the same gig and provide note on that.
Please order me joust now.
Thanks !
,Ask HN: Anyone want to build this mockup tool?Well, after reading about the Macaw project on Kickstarter, I had an alternative idea that I think would make a useful application for a HN developer. I simply don't have the time to make it happen, but I think there's an audience, so I'll pass the suggestion along.
Imagine JSFiddle, but instead of experimenting with code, you're mocking up changes to an existing design. You visit the site, enter a website URL, and the website appears fullscreen in the browser, with a toolbar in a left column. You click an element on the site, and the toolbar displays the related properties you can modify. For example, you enter the URL to HN. You click the navigation links. The left column displays a slider or dropdown to change their text size. You can also use a color picker, select common fonts from a dropdown or enter your own, and toggle bold or italic on this element. You click the HN logo. You think it'll look better on the right side, so you can drag and drop that element over there. The site feels a little wide to you, so you click the overall table element, and just scale it a little smaller. Then you click the link titles and bump the line height for more spacing. Select the header, and maybe color pick it to blue instead of the existing orange. You think it looks good, so you click save, and get a link to share the changes. Now you can send this across to anyone else, and they can see your mockup of a revised HN layout.
I don't even want to see code at any point in the process, I simply want to drag around elements, scale divs and text, and modify properties using an interactive toolbar. One of my users, who has no programming experience, should be able to punch in the URL to my site, and within a few minutes share with me the changes they'd prefer to see. My client, boss, etc, should be able to do the same. Instead of explaining the changes, using PowerPoint for unknown reasons to add design notes, or putting together a poorly cut and pasted Photoshop image, they should be able to modify the layout I send across, and send their ideas back. That's all they are, design ideas and mockups. The code is irrelevant, if the mockup is approved, it goes to the development team to properly setup. It's a simple tool for visualizing potential changes to your online website or application, and a great way to collaborate between people, either online, or in person. Imagine sitting down with your client, showing them your work thus far, and being able to drag around columns, and scale images in real-time. Saves time, get's more ideas flowing, and therefore you get a better product.
Another nice addition might be building a list of swatches based on the CSS of the inputted URL. Just scan the CSS for the most common color codes, and toss them in the toolbar for easy selecting. Comments would be nice to see as well. Click an area of the site, and add notes regarding the changes for others to review. A tree format could be another feature. When I modify HN, I send it over to the client, and they build on my design. Then maybe they decide to branch off the original with their own concept. We can then browse different branches of the tree to see how they developed over time, and decide on the final approach we're going to run with for the project..
,Ask HN: How can a programmer learn graphic design from the ground up?(I'm a native Chinese. Being a spelling/grammar Nazi to me really helps me. Thanks.)
Hello HNers,
I'm a college student and a programmer. My dream is one day I will have my own kick-ass startup.
I know how to write clean code; but what I don't know is how to draw things with paper or CSS or Canvas or Photoshop or anything. I can implement Linux device drivers, purely functional data structures, lexers/parsers or socket servers; but I can't even design a simple logo or a good-looking webpage. Sometimes I do have ideas how the logo/webpage should looks, but I just don't have the ability to draw (implement?) them. To be clear, HTML or CSS is just another programming language for me, but I only know the syntax and grammar. I don't know how to do graphic design at all!
I want to learn graphic design, both for my current projects and for my future startup (same reason with the suggestion that 'non-technical' person should learn to code). I want to have basic skill on how to use computer to draw icons, logos, buttons and webpages.
But I have no idea what to do and how to start. How can a programmer learn graphic design from the ground up? Should I learn drawing in pen and paper first? Or should I learn Photoshop? Or should I just learn how to draw by writing code in CSS/Canvas? What books/websites can you recommend? Is self-learning enough or a mentor/teacher is required?
I'll appreciate your advice, thanks!.
,Ask HN: I'm 17. Should I drop school for YC S12?I'm extremely interesting in applying to Y Combinator for this summer. The only problem is that I'm still in Cegep (a two-year college for Quebec students before they go to university - I'm 17) and so if ever I get chosen, I still have one more year remaining to complete my program (International Baccalaureate in Pure & Applied Science).
I don't think I would drop it, because I ultimately intend to go in computer science at Stanford. Therefore, I would have to leave the Bay Area at the end of August in order to move back in Quebec and stay there during the year and come back in the summer when I'm finish my program.
I would still have time to work on my startup during the year, but at a much lower pace (2-3 hours each night and 8-12 hours on weekends). The other guy on my team (he's 17 too) is in a much less intensive program then me and he could continue working almost full-time on the startup.
Yet, if you guys tell me that I would absolutely need to continue working full-time on my startup, I will consider dropping school more seriously. It would be hard for me, but if it's really necessary I could do it. The thing is, the program I'm currently in, International Baccalaureate, is a program that I must complete in two years. The special thing about this program is that we are the same group for every class (we started 40 now we're 28). If I drop/fail a course, I'm out. And I then need to go in regular science. If ever I were to be selected for YC, the choice would be quite hard as I said, because I really enjoy my program, I'm fond of the other students and I appreciate the teachers a lot. And I also fear that I won't go back to school if I enter the startup world.
At least, I'd like to finish my program and then maybe take a break from school to focus on my startup. My program requires a lot of effort, it's considerably more challenging than regular science, and I just don't see myself dropping it when I'll be halfway through it, but still there's a lot of chance I would - it's 50/50. I'm constantly debating in my head whether I should drop or stay, but I guess I'll wait to see if I'm selected for YC to make a final decision. Ultimately, I feel I would drop my program, because YC is such an amazing opportunity and also because I have a very good co-founder who is a long-time friend of mine. He would definitely succeed in convincing me :P
Moreover, I'm the only one writing code. My co-founder (who's currently studying in Business Management) will be working on the marketing (posting on the blog, making videos showcasing the app, posters in schools and other places, talking with other companies so that they use our app, etc.) I also have a graphic designer that will not be directly involve in the startup but that will do my logo and help me design icons, textures, etc.
Without even knowing anything about my idea (I can tell you though that even if I'm the only technical founder, it's not an overwhelmingly complex app and I am confident that I could manage the coding alone. All features would get implemented during the summer. During the year, I would only make little changes to the user interface and update the content of the app, but I probably wont implement radically new features, that is if I choose to stay in school. The goal during the year would be to get as much users as possible and thats exactly what my co-founder would be working on full-time. Complex new features would get implemented in the following summer.), because really I don't want to be chosen for my idea but rather for my team (I've got this interesting idea that I want to work on, and I like it because I would actually use the app, and actually, Ive got a bunch of startup ideas (Im the kind of guy that always has tons of ambitious projects going on and new ideas in mind: I want to code apps, make feature films and crazy edits, learn new monologues by heart, run marathons, travel around the world and learn new things!), but this particular one is not too complex to implement, yet if it turns out that I choose to do a completely different project, then so be it! Anyway, I dont think the idea I apply with matters that much (but it ought to be good obviously), because anybody could apply to YC with a similar idea and develop a similar app. But would they really be as much passionate as us about the app and as much caring about the users, would they achieve to convince companies of using it, would they convince people of using it? I know we would. My point is that Im expecting to be chosen a lot more because of my team than because of my idea. (If you're interested to know what my app is though, email me (frabrunelle@gmail.com) or skype with me (francisbrunelle)). I want to build useful products and it thrills me that with the internet millions of people could be using them! But what thrills me even more is that if ever I do YC, I would be hanging around with dozens of other developers that are in the same situation as me. I want to discuss and debate about ideas with those developers. It would be an insanely great and enjoyable experience. And thats exactly why I want to do YC: for the experience.), do you think I have any chance of getting selected? Or should I wait for next summer, when I will have finish my program? The thing though is that I will still continue to go to school (Stanford, MIT, McGill or somewhere), so again I will have the same problem as the one I have right now.
I truly enjoy school but the real reason I want to go in c.s. at Stanford is to meet other c.s. students and start a startup with them. I'm also interested in studying in theatre, so I'm really not dropping school soon. But I don't want to wait after university to finally apply for YC, I feel ready now. The reason I want to go through YC is to meet interesting people, discuss ideas and because I'm sure it would be a tremendous experience. If I don't get chosen, I will still develop my app over the summer, but I just think YC is an outstanding opportunity and that I ought to at least submit an application. I will continue submitting applications every summer until I'm chosen.
P.S. As a developer, I'm not that skilled, but I always manage to figure things out by myself and find a way to do what I want. If I'm stuck, I don't easily give up. Nevertheless, I'm more of an idea guy. I'm currently following tutorials from http://www.raywenderlich.com/store since December in order to get more familiar with the iOS 5 SDK. When I'll finish them, I'll look at the Parse SDK (http://parse.com) and then at the Facebook iOS SDK (https://developers.facebook.com/). I will then code an app similar to FML but it will be called 'You know you're in IB when...', IB being the program I'm currently in. I will integrate the Parse SDK and the Facebook iOS SDK in this app. It's a simple app that I want to do for testing purposes and also because I know that my other classmates would actually use it and that fact motivates me a lot. I will then start working on the real app that I want to do for my startup. My goal is to have a working app with bare minimum features for the end of May so that I have something to show if ever I move to the Bay Area. I'm working toward this goal 2-3 hours everyday and 8-12 hours on weekends..
,NIPS changing name to NeurIPSJust got the following email in my inbox
Dear members of the Neural Information Processing Systems community,
Something remarkable has happened in our community. The name NeurIPS has sprung up organically as an alternative acronym, and we’re delighted to see it being adopted. Indeed, one forward-thinking member of the community purchased neurips.com and described the site’s purpose as “...host[ing] the conference content under a different acronym... until the board catches up.”
We’ve caught up! We were considering alternative acronyms when the community support for NeurIPS became apparent. We ask all attendees this year to respect this solution from the community and to use the new acronym in order that the conference focus can be on science and ideas.
We have taken several actions to support this acronym. First, all signage and the program booklet for the 2018 meeting will refer either to the full conference name or to NeurIPS. Second, we’ve asked sponsors to do the same in their materials and publicity, to the extent possible at this late date. Third, we will hire a branding company to design a new logo for the conference. Fourth, we’ve moved the conference site to neurips.cc, and the owner of neurips.com, Peter Henderson, has graciously donated the domain name to the Foundation.
Thanks to everyone who has taken the time to share thoughts and concerns regarding this important issue. The Neural Information Processing Systems community has a lot of people working very hard, and with much passion, to make the conference the best it can be. We look forward to continuing this conversation at the Town Hall during the conference.
The Neural Information Processing Systems Foundation Board of Trustees.
,Looking for CoFounder / 2cents?My name Will. I am 23. I live in LA. Going to school for marketing but also thinking about dropping out to join a startup or CREATE a startup. Im in the process of gathering advice. Im an aspiring entrepreneur! Not the 'idea man'. I dont have a get rich quick idea. Looking for someone who is willing to hear out my ideas and work with someone who believes in them or meet someone to tell me im a f*ing idiot. Anything works.
So, read below to check out projects I've worked on in the past or are currently working on now.
I am constantly thinking of ways to better the world and make certain things in life less complicated or constructive for the mass.
Ive been passionately trying to start a business since I was 18...and failed or pivoted many times. This is the order in which they have originated from.
I am still working on a few of them! Looking to hash them out more with other Entrepreneurs that believe in my vision or engineers that would like to assist in wire framing or designing beta sites/apps.
1st idea - MealDealz: Dining deals. Coupons and discounts for all the popular restaurants and fast food places. Now there are many alike.
2nd idea - MiServices: Directed toward younger individuals trying to make money on the side walking dogs or putting up christmas lights, etc but would like to be accredited through ratings. Something better than Craigslist but you're not licensed so you can't technically be on Angies list or Yelp.
3rd idea - Readr: Discover and share books you love and start a book club online. Have authors start a book club for their new releases, or fans start one. Now alike Goodreads.
4th idea - Betsy: make bets online and through our application with others on any topic from the Tech world, Entertainment, Sports, Politics, etc. Earn points, humblebrag and use the points to get cool rewards.
5th idea - standUP: organize all the online campaigns into one place. Enlighten people on common issues and how to take action through either petitions to congress, sharing the message or supporting the cause, etc. Show all the trending topics currently going on: Occupy Wall Street, GunControl, Internet Control, Oil Spill, Education, War on Drugs, etc. Then the main objective would be to help people establish their standpoint on the issue by showing all the different points of views and how they could easily take action all in one simple organized application. The app would be like the One campaign app.
Plus many other ideas! But these are the ones that I've either already worked on or are currently working on.
I am fascinated with the concept of building businesses, the surprises with successful marketing, and the power of social media and how much impact it has on the world.
I can assist in creating a business model. Assist in product design. Make Logo. Talk to potential customers, test design hypotheses. Figure out sales and marketing strategy, find beta users, warm up early adopters, performance tracking, online profiles, help create a blog. Research. Checking up on competitors and how they do business. Or help collectively create a meaningful mission statement explaining why we give this service/product.
Any advice works. Contact me:
,Ask HN: My cofounder disappeared. What should I do?About six months ago I was contacted by a HN member who had a decent startup idea, good design skills, but no programming skills. We decided to work together to create a dating website that focused around the concept of posting a date idea, then seeing who might want to join you for that date. In this way the site matches people based on what they want to do, not who they are.
To make a long story shorter, the idea grew and morphed, as we went through design revisions and code refactoring. The original idea of the dating site was broadened into a more general event broadcasting site, like Twitter but specifically for parties, concerts, and other events. I also came up with a few other ideas (they key ones that make the web app stand out) that I won't give away.
But now my cofounder appears to have disappeared. We communicated by email and chat, and all I know of his physical location was that he lived in the Middle East. I haven't heard from him in long enough that it seems likely that he had an accident or some other unfortunate circumstance.
So I'm left wondering what I should do. Should I try to replace him? Might there be legal issues if I do so? We never wrote up a serious contract, just an informal email in which we decided in favor of a 49%/51% division, with me holding 51%.
In the absence of my cofounder I have completely changed the design, and have reworked the site's entire focus. At this point there is literally no relation to the original idea of the dating site.
Without giving away all the details that make my startup idea special, the web app is now focused on bands and their fans, allowing bands to broadcast news and gig schedules, and allowing fans to follow bands and broadcast which gigs/concerts they will attend.
There is really nothing left of the disappearing cofounder's original idea, and all that is left of his original design is the logo.
So to summarize the situation I am in: I have a great startup idea (All ingredients of which are mine, but could possibly be considered derivative of the idea of a disappeared cofounder).
What I need is a cofounder who can help with some design issues, put together a new logo, and who also has good marketing skills. Programming skills would be an added bonus. Primarily what I need is a designer and marketer.
This is an ask HN post so here are my questions:
Is there anything I should do about the original disappearing cofounder?
Could there be legal issues with replacing the cofounder even though I have changed the startup's basic principles completely and never had a serious contract with the cofounder?
If you have applicable skills, would you like to be my new cofounder, or do you know someone who might?.
,How much this virus scaning web project can cost?Hello. My project have got unique design and text, logo and firmstyle (visitcards, proposal submissions design, presentations for customers and investors), own analytics system of scaning, contacts, services and promo pages.
Main idea is in virus scaning, if site is dangerous for users, after scaning system will offer removing services. If site is not dangerous, system will offer secure services for more higher protection. Peoples can tell about their safety resource in social networks or with banners, which they can install on their website.
All dangerous sites goes to database, if peoples are not making an order, you can sell proposal submission to them, if you want.
The projects works in two languages (english and russian, I was translate it in english few days ago). Project was started in Russia and gave interest to peoples, customers and investors, but not give big money for me. I think about selling all to someone with domain, site, code, phone and may be with registered russian company for this project.
I have got a lot of ideas, but not have some time for this project, so, I want to sell it. For example: spider, which walks in internet, scan all of it and collect infected, then send to all info about virus activity, offer services. Or mobile applications for scaning, browser plugins, which scan opened website before page loading.
So, this project can be very interesting for IT professionals or enterpreneurs. I will be happy to sell it to good arms. But I don't know how much it can cost. Can you give some advices to me about it? And where I can sell it?
Thank you for you interest..
,Ask HN: Any ideas how to build a roadmap for a programmer for my start-up?So far, I have the website landing page with unbounce up, I have a wire frame with GoMockingbird, and I have also submitted my design project for a logo to 99 Designs. I want to build an alpha version, a 0.5 for a programmer to build a basic functionality website.
Edit: My landing page is www.HiveReader.com
I want to use this 0.5 prototype to help attract a technical co-founder and seed capital.
I also want to use it to submit my idea to the Founder Institute and/or a Y-Combinator type program.
I'm considering using vWorker (the old RentaCoder) to build the rough prototype.
Any ideas how I should create the prototype for the programmer?
,DeDevelopers – Website Development, Mobile Applications, Games and Design CompanyAre you looking for a software company to start your Business with? Well, just visit www.dedevelopers.com, explore our portfolio and contact us to Transform your ideas into Reality.
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,Launch HN: Parade (YC S20) – Launch your company without hiring a designerHey HN! We’re Alex and David, the founders of Parade (https://getparade.com). Parade uses software to guide founders through early branding decisions, including designing a basic logo, selecting fonts, selecting colors, and defining their company’s overall aesthetic.
A lot of early stage founders are incredible engineers, but lack the ability to make things look “right”. We’ve seen a bunch of our friends launch products to no reception, some of which seemed due to poor design decisions (like, making buttons hard to find or a landing page that looks like it might steal your credit card).
Two years ago, two of my closest friends started a company, raised a small round, and spent tens of thousands of dollars on their initial branding. That was a substantial percentage of their funding, and then their brand entirely changed once they learned more about their customer. After I saw them waste a ton of time and money on this, I realized that it ought to be possible to build software that could have done just as good of a job as the design agency. At the core of it, the designers asked my friends a bunch of questions about how they want their company to be perceived by customers, offered them colors and fonts and a design aesthetic that conveyed those feelings, and then created a mockup of a website that incorporated those elements. So, I decided to build software to do just that.
With Parade, we have taken a traditional brand design interview and turned it into a self-serve software product. You answer a series of questions about how you want your brand to be perceived and receive design aesthetic suggestions based on them. We use machine learning to identify design elements (such as fonts, colors, layouts, use of color, density of information, line and button styles, and visuals) that project the way you want your brand to feel, then present them to you as simple choices. To power the suggestions, we collected training data from both designers and non-designers to understand what emotional reactions these design elements evoke. Because of this technology, we are able to identify the design aesthetics that you want without having to iterate repeatedly or spend hours searching for inspiration. After you make your choices, we use the math behind design theory (such as an algorithm to expand one color into a range of colors that accounts for the difference in perceived contrast based on hue, saturation, and lightness) to flesh out your brand [0].
Right now, after onboarding, you are able to access all of your design elements in a style guide for free through the dashboard. It includes your colors and your fonts, plus a place to download your logo and icon in a few colors. You can see an example of what this looks like here: https://app.getparade.com/hackernews/style-guide or here: https://app.getparade.com/hooli/style-guide. This is similar to the output startups get from a first engagement with a designer, which helps you set up basic, consistent styling for your website and social media profiles.
At this point, we’ve helped thousands of companies create their brands, including YC-backed companies like WellPrincipled (https://www.wellprincipled.com/), Enable (https://www.enable.us/) and MeterFeeder (https://www.meterfeeder.com/).
The next step beyond style guides would be to automatically generate brand assets—things like pitch decks, landing pages, and social media posts. We're working on that. We haven't completely automated it yet, but we are able to create these assets with very rapid turnaround time. Once we get it fully automated, we plan to add subscription features that enable founders to make ready-to-use assets themselves.
In the meantime, we run an agency, serving customers using our work-in-progress software. It’s different from a traditional agency, though—while traditional agencies spend many days asking you about how you want your brand to look, seeking inspiration, and iterating based on your feedback, we are able to capture what you describe through our onboarding survey and create assets with your design elements algorithmically. We are able to deliver most designs within 48 hours, and almost all of our customers have been satisfied without any iteration. Right now, a lot of the algorithmic design work happens via an in-house Figma plugin, which we plan to move onto our platform in 2022 and open up to self-service.
Something that’s surprised us while working on this: we’ve found that our users don’t always believe that their choices are really great. Design is intimidating—you’re aware that there is some psychology of color and also some color theory rules, but aren’t exactly sure what they are. You’ve built things in the past that just didn’t look quite right—how can you be sure the choices you made on Parade are good? Oftentimes, designers will even use words to make themselves seem to know some secret you don’t. We’re trying to reassure our users by surfacing more of the science behind the suggestions we make, and to make sure we encode rules that prevent certain common mistakes.
We would love to hear your thoughts, questions, concerns, or ideas about what we’re building - or about your experiences with automating design in general. We appreciate all feedback and suggestions!
[0] See https://www.w3.org/TR/AERT/#color-contrast for math on color contrast, or https://alienryderflex.com/hsp.html for a good writeup on perceived brightness..
,Ask HN: How to find a good designer for a small project?We're a relatively young B2C software startup looking for a designer that helps us position/brand/style our product more professionally. We are looking for a simple branding package to align the design of our applications and marketing material (logo, typography, icon set, colors, etc.). The budget is $5k - $10k.
Should we look for freelancers instead of agencies? We think that agencies have advantages like faster turnover and multiple involved people who bring in different ideas and concepts. The downside is the higher price.
Is the project/budget too small for an agency?
Where do I look for good designers that fit our needs? Upwork, Dribble, Behance?
Any feedback is greatly appreciated!.
,Ask HN: What Elements Has Your Perfect Pricing PageHi,
I am working on our future pricing page and looked at 303 websites and came up with a list of best practices for our pricing page.
I wanted to share my finding and hopefully you can add yours?
- Call to action headline that matches the unique selling points mentioned on the homepage
- Subheadline will give details on trial, no credit card needed, amount of users in system (if the over 10,000), sense of urgency using get started in 60 seconds. Product positioning (what does the product do). Value messaging
- Plan that focus on different markets you address
- Website design Features, Pricing & Plans, About, Contact and remove the rest (including login) form the menu so there not to many links.
- Trust element top right (phone-number will work well there)
- All plans above the fold
- Free plan in bottom right of plan (if your bootstrapped, but if you have VC money and Freemium is your strategy, place free as first plan)
- High to low or low to high, 62% of SaaS companies have low-to-high and with lack of research I guess thats the best. (We will go and test these once we add the pricing page)
- Badges (user logo’s) under plans as trust elements (make them gray so there not distracting)
- Communicate the differences not focus on the similarities of the plan
- Scanable (not to long page)
- Clear pricing (good contrast)
- Use color on background of plans to keep focus on each plan. Mouse over background on horizontal is a nice feature.
- Make bigger plan feel bigger using a visual element that becomes bigger with the growing plan.
- Keep in line with website design
- Important features in F eyetracking line (price, plan differences and sign-up button)
- Mention USD not $ (Austrailian and Canadian dollars look the same)
- Testimonial under plans
- Explain how things work billing, 30 days, free under plans
- Mouse over on features
- Little amount of links (you do not want them to click away)
- Impeccable grammar (in my case huge problem :-) with easy fix... let someone check it
- Call to Actions Orange
- Blue color gives trust we might use these on plans that are not the preferred plan (need to test this)
- Green associates with wealth (try to add green check-marks on items that are simular)
- Use full screen width for plans (no right blocks with sign-up or text
- Repeat 14/30 day trial under sign-up buttons so they know what they sign-up for (<button: Sign-Up> for 14 Day Trail)
- Add some credit-cards logo's or payment processor logo to pricing page as trust element if you do not have a lot of well known clients. You can also add SSL seal if your just starting and have little trust elements available.
- Social Proof (twitter accounts, positive tweets, testimonials etc. all help (under pricing plans)
Love to hear more! Leave you comments below. Thanx
Dennis van der Heijden
Reedge.com (Conversion Rate Optimizer Tool: Tracking, Testing, Funnels and Personalization).
,Ramaze needs YOUTL;DR sissies: We need a designer for http://ramaze.net/, send an Email to info@yorickpeterse.com if you're too damn lazy to read this post.
Ramaze is a Ruby framework that while generally underrated has a lot of potential. Compared to other Ruby frameworks it's probably the most Ruby-like framework as it does not enforce a new way of thinking and developing applications, instead it adds a lot of functionality to Rack and Ruby to make it easier to develop MVC based applications (although you don't have to stick to the MVC pattern).
When looking at other frameworks, regardless of their language, I personally think Ramaze is the most flexible one out there. However, there is one big problem: we're not widely know. This issue is caused by multiple things but the two most important ones are relatively bad documentation and a website that isn't very informative when it comes to helping newcomers. While the documentation is something we've been discussing for quite some time and actually are working on it the website is something we need to let somebody else do. Not because we don't want to do it ourselves but because we're developers and not designers. So far I and several other Ramaze members (manveru, Pistos, etc) have had a few chat sessions and we agreed that the following has to be done regarding the website (ramaze.net)
* The homepage should show a basic example about how to use Ramaze, a good example would be the website of Sinatra (sinatrarb.com)
* A blog to keep people up to date with the latest Ramaze news
* A showcase of Ramaze applications
* A userguide, either in the form of a wiki or something else. Currently there's book.ramaze.net but it's unorganized and out of date
Based on these ideas I made a few rough sketches as well as an initial design, which can be seen here: http://cl.ly/5aKi
While the other Ramaze members liked the design I'm not that fond of it myself and I'd rather spend my time coding and improving the actual
code rather than making a website :)
What we're looking for is a good designer who's willing to contribute to an open source project by designing the new website for Ramaze. I'm going to be honest with you, there's a good chance you won't earn a penny from it but keep this in mind: you're probably using open source software (Chromium, Firefox, etc) as well so you'd be a big hypocrite and a dick to say 'Meh, open source is for fags'. Other than that I might be willing to pay money for it based on the results but that's something we'll discuss once there's a better idea of how the design will look, how much time it will take and so on.
What we're not looking for are 12 year old entrepreneurs who think that using a few gradients equals proper design. This may sound rude but I'm going to say it up front to prevent any misunderstandings. Now don't get me wrong, if you're young like me (I'm only 18 actually) this doesn't mean you're not welcome it's just that in general people below a certain age (usually 18-20) don't have enough real-life experience to know how to handle clients. I might have experience in coding but since I've only been doing it for a few years (5 or so) and only about a year on a professional basis I still don't fully get how to handle clients and such. To cut a long story short, here's the type of designer we're looking for:
* Decent amount of experience, knowledge of the web is a big plus
* Understanding of how open source projects work
* Proper knowledge of color theories, we don't need pink + green
* Well organized, I'm not going to wait 2 months for the design so don't bother replying if you feel that it's more important to teabag people in Halo than to finish that design you were supposed to finish 2 weeks ago
Do note that you don't have to slice the design into HTML as we'll handle this ourselves, as rude as it may sound designers tend to have very limited knowledge of how to organize your HTML and CSS in a proper way. We're just looking for somebody to create the actual design.
In order to make your life easier here are some extra details about Ramaze:
* The color scheme is red and gray mainly but other colors are welcome as long as they mix with the logo (https://secure.gravatar.com/avatar/efb21e9eb7a8ced4c808086b77cd86d0?s=140)
* Ramaze is an agnostic framework, this means you can use pretty much anything the way you want it without breaking things
* The GitHub account is located here: https://github.com/ramaze
* Ramaze is mostly a community driven framework, while there are a few 'core' contributors a lot of the code has been added by 'regulars'
If there's anything else you need feel free to ask. I would prefer it if you would reply in this thread if you're interested rather than Emailing me, this makes it easier for others to see who's interested plus it's easier for me to share everything with the other Ramaze guys. If you insist on Emailing me my address is info@yorickpeterse.com..
,Show HN: Braand.coOver the last 15 years I’ve been responsible for brand design across household names including Samsung, PayPal and LG Mobile.
In addition to my design experience, I’ve developed a passion for side projects and exploring new business ideas.
In the process of exploring these new ideas, I’ve acquired a large catalogue of brand-able domain names.
So I've decided to bring together my experience as a designer, catalogue of domain names and flare for new business ventures in to new site called https://Braand.co
Braand.co will provide founders with essential elements they need bring their new ideas to life. Fast.
Each domain for sale on https://Braand.co will come packaged with a modern, professional logo plus a suite of brand assets for your social media channels.
If you would like know when I launch please join my launch list.
Any thoughts and comments welcome : )
,Ask HN: Android Market App Sales ExperimentI published my first app to the market about a month ago meeting only the minimal image and text resources required.
Now I'll be adding the optional media resources and testing out basic marketing techniques(disclaimer: I know nothing about marketing) to tracking sales improvements. I'll then post back the results if people are interested after each test.
I was wondering if anyone had any techniques or theories they would want me to try out?
Some of the ideas I'll be covering early on: * Creating the optional image assets that the market place supports on my own(no design background). * Creating a simple promotional video myself. * Telling friends, posting on my personal social accounts. * Working on driving traffic through SEO to the web based version of the app(hourweather.com). * Getting the logo or other assets created professionally(probably through 99designs to try that out). * Paid advertising(Google ad words $100 voucher). * Maybe try some more shady SEO, social stuff?
there are some more details http://www.davidhampgonsalves.com/2011/08/Android-Market-App-Marketing.
,Can we get some feedback for this website – IdeaOnce.com?Design your next visual masterpiece with us. With thousands of professional templates, images and quality content to choose from, get a headstart on bringing your best ideas and work to life.
You can do the following things by using the IdeaOnce web app:
Quotes: Huge collection of quotes in almost all categories.
BG Remove: once click to remove any image background
Pages and Layers
Download 300 dpi images
Create your workspace and invite your team.
Branding: A single color palette, fonts and logo across all of you marketing materials on a single click
Paletes: Try different colors before finalising your design
Illustrations: With our illustrations, you will be able to add a bit of life to your design.
Fonts: IdeaOnce lets you select a font from a list of common fonts, You can upload your own fonts.
Color picker: This tool helps you pick the color from any object present your design
Icons: These are the most useful and unique set of icons. The goal is to inspire creativity with these fun, unique icons.
Drive upload: Upload your files directly to IdeaOnce from your google drive.
Resize design: Resize image to a specific size and retouch it to perfection, in seconds.
Beautify: Add a grayscale filter and transform your photos into works of art. Or turn them into retro masterpieces using the vintage and pop filters.
Split image into smaller grids.
Overall, it's the only tool that you'll ever need to grow your engagement..
,Zag Font - Free Download - Ideal for Logo & Graphic Design
Reddit Images 50

The Project Crossover hub has existed for almost a decade now and it still uses the default theme, so I decided to post some of the logo design ideas I've had (made in Paint.net) 0

Logo design ideas for my gadget business which is a side hustle of mine. 1

Pixel Logo Design Ideas for RealmCraft - Free Minecraft Style Game 2

wavy logo design idea 3

Logo Design Ideas for a pet laundry shop 4

Some mock logo/design ideas for the subreddit, please leave feedback below! 5

Logo Design Ideas – Logo Design Inspiration in 2021 6

Logo Design idea for My new Multimedia Project 7

Logo Design Ideas 8

Logo design Ideas 9
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