99 logo creation for business

logo creation for business

Professional logo design for your business. Logo is must be unique and creative. for $10 - SEOClerks

Professional logo design for your business. Logo is must be unique and creative. for $10 - SEOClerks 0

Best professional logo design for your bussiness for $10 - SEOClerks

Best professional logo design for your bussiness for $10 - SEOClerks 1

I will design minimalist logo design for your company or brands for $10 - SEOClerks

I will design minimalist logo design for your company or brands for $10 - SEOClerks 2

I will do creative flat minimalist modern business logo design. for $1 - SEOClerks

I will do creative flat minimalist modern business logo design. for $1 - SEOClerks 3

Top 6 Benefits of Professional Logo Design

Top 6 Benefits of Professional Logo Design 4

I ll design 3 AWESOME and Professional logo design for your business for $10 - SEOClerks

Upload your logo to the Brands section in Adobe Express to instantly apply it to future designs. Feature your logo on flyers, business cards, merchandise, marketing materials, social media, and anything else you can dream of. Create your logo now Rate our Quick Action You need to … 5

Logo Creation For your Business for $10 - SEOClerks

Logo Creation For your Business for $10 - SEOClerks 6

Business Corporate Vector Logo Design Template - Graphic Yard | Graphic Templates Store

Make your own logo Make your own business logo for free Select Enter your business name … 7

Design your Modern Minimalist Business Logo for $5 - SEOClerks

Design your Modern Minimalist Business Logo for $5 - SEOClerks 8

minimalist and unique logo design for you and your business for $10 - SEOClerks

minimalist and unique logo design for you and your business for $10 - SEOClerks 9

Logo Creation For your Business for $10 - SEOClerks

Logo Creation For your Business for $10 - SEOClerks 10

I will design unique & modern business logo for you in 12hrs for $10 - SEOClerks

I will design unique & modern business logo for you in 12hrs for $10 - SEOClerks 11

Business logo | Pre-Designed Illustrator Graphics ~ Creative Market

Business logo | Pre-Designed Illustrator Graphics ~ Creative Market 12

Professional Minimalist and creative Logo Design for $10 - SEOClerks

Professional Minimalist and creative Logo Design for $10 - SEOClerks 13

Small Business Logo Design | Company Logo Design | Mint Formations

Small Business Logo Design | Company Logo Design | Mint Formations 14

Modern Minimalist Business Logo Design for $15 - PixelClerks

Modern Minimalist Business Logo Design for $15 - PixelClerks 15

Modern company logo design vector - Download Free Vectors, Clipart Graphics & Vector Art

Modern company logo design vector - Download Free Vectors, Clipart Graphics & Vector Art 16

A Logo Business Template Vector icon - Download Free Vectors, Clipart Graphics & Vector Art

A Logo Business Template Vector icon - Download Free Vectors, Clipart Graphics & Vector Art 17

Design Creative Minimalist Business Logo for $5 - SEOClerks

Design Creative Minimalist Business Logo for $5 - SEOClerks 18



I create professional Logo design for Business for $5 - SEOClerks

I create professional Logo design for Business for $5 - SEOClerks 20

30+ Best Free Logo Makers + Design Templates 2021 | Design Shack

30+ Best Free Logo Makers + Design Templates 2021 | Design Shack 21

I will design modern minimalist logo for your Business or Website for $6 - SEOClerks

I will design modern minimalist logo for your Business or Website for $6 - SEOClerks 22

How to Create Outstanding Logo for Your Business | Abbakin

How to Create Outstanding Logo for Your Business | Abbakin 23

Free Jute Company Logo Template – GraphicsFamily

Free Jute Company Logo Template – GraphicsFamily 24

I will do a creative unique modern minimalist business logo design – FiverrBox - WebPhuket

I will do a creative unique modern minimalist business logo design – FiverrBox - WebPhuket 25

Logo Creation For your Business for $10 - SEOClerks

Logo Creation For your Business for $10 - SEOClerks 26

00106-3d-company-logos-design-free-logo-online-02 - Bardfield Academy

00106-3d-company-logos-design-free-logo-online-02 - Bardfield Academy 27

i will design unique business logo in 24hrs for $5 - SEOClerks

i will design unique business logo in 24hrs for $5 - SEOClerks 28

Logo Creation For your Business for $10 - SEOClerks

Logo Creation For your Business for $10 - SEOClerks 29

i will design minimalist or versatile and business logo design for $10 - SEOClerks

i will design minimalist or versatile and business logo design for $10 - SEOClerks 30

Graphic Design | DatWebDigital

Graphic Design | DatWebDigital 31

Business Consulting Logo Design Template | Brand Identity dev.

Business Consulting Logo Design Template | Brand Identity dev. 32

Top 10 Free Logo Maker Sites & How Much They Actually Charge

Top 10 Free Logo Maker Sites & How Much They Actually Charge 33

Logo Maker & Logo Design Generator

Logo Maker & Logo Design Generator 34

hello world my name is Mike plugger and, here at vis me we want to help you take, the proper steps in brainstorming is the, perfect logo first impressions are, everything for people this likely starts, with our appearance you likely made an, initial judgment on me just based on my, hair color or my black vis me polo, online first impressions come from our, social media profile pictures what's, that one picture that you're okay with, the entire world seeing now for, companies a first impression is often, made from a logo yes a simple image can, either direct an individual towards or, away from an entire company just like, pictures do with people the average, person might not realize it but logos, are also representations of what a brand, stands for everything from their values, to their mission to their story this is, why it's crucial to have the right logo, for your brand so where do you begin, don't fret in this video I'll give you, some ideas to help you realize your, perfect logo let's get started, brainstorm brainstorm brainstorm I, cannot say it nothing while it seems so, obvious and easy I have a couple pieces, of advice to ensure you're making the, most of your time first find the right, time to sit down and let your creative, juices flow for me it's often right when, I put my head on a pillow to close my, eyes and go to sleep for others it might, be when you're on your way to work with, a coffee in hand then whenever you're, feeling the most creative let it rip do, your best to stay focus in avoid, distraction brainstorming can often lead, to a chain reaction once an initial idea, comes to mind, more will start flooding in and hey, don't just let your ideas hang out in, your head put your thoughts to paper, whether a brilliant idea or something, that you're a little hesitant about, making note of all of your ideas will, come in handy later on down the road and, lastly when you're all tuckered out from, your brainstorm session let your ideas, marinate get away from it for at least, 24 hours and then revisit your ideas, you'll have fresh eyes and this will, help you decide what will or will not, work when it, comes to the branding portion of your, brainstorm a challenge for any company, is determining its brand what's the, story what are the goals moving forward, is there a mission statement what does, your brand stand for these are all, crucial questions to answer when, deciding on a logo that resonates with, your brand it's okay if you don't have, the answers to these questions just yet, because after all that is what I'm here, for so I have three easy steps to help, you get on a brand first write a list of, adjectives that you feel best describe, your brand maybe your brand is delicate, mature or unique and original write a, minimum of 25 adjectives to start before, narrowing it down to the five that you, feel fit best next write down how you, want people to feel about your brand, maybe you will others to see your brand, as fearless or dependable or adaptive, create the ideal perception for your, brand and lastly for getting on brand, what emotions do you want to instill in, others from your logo so they be excited, should they feel a sense of calmness, maybe you want them to feel all warm, inside whatever the case may be this, will help shape your design later on, now that you know the feelings that you, want to exude create an inspiration, board like Pinterest you might be asking, yourself in my answer to that is yes, it's just like Pinterest find designs, colors fonts images styles anything in, the design world that grabs your, attention and put all those inspirations, into one place like on a physical poster, board so later you can identify trends, that you like the most as you're looking, for inspiration keep in mind if you'd, like an image-based logo text-based logo, or a combination of the two there's, seven different types of logos each, emphasizing fonts colors and styles just, a little bit differently there's letter, mark or monogram logos and some of the, more famous letter mark logos include, HBO CNN in a personal favorite of mine, KFC a second option is word marks or, logo types these are quite similar to, letter mark logos except these logos, focus on the name alone as the companies, have distinct names several social media, companies use pictures and logo symbols, these are most often used by established, companies who are instantly recognizable, abstract logos can be completely unique, to your brand think of Pepsi I have no, idea what their logo is exactly but I do, instantly recognize the brand the second, I see the logo mission accomplished and, a job well done maybe you have a mascot, associated with your brand if so why not, make the mascot your logo they're, recognizable and fun think Pringles, kool-aid or mr. peanut from planters the, combination mark logos are exactly as, they sound, take the name of a company add an image, to it and you have the combination mark, logo in the last logo type that we have, is the emblem these are much more, traditional and are often used by, schools or massive organizations such as, Harvard and the National Hockey League, there's three aspects of your logo that, you want to carefully consider the font, the color in the style the typography, that you choose can help reinforce your, brand story make sure that the font that, you choose matches the adjectives you, use to describe your brand when you look, at your board, are there particular colors that you, favorited more than others maybe you, like bright reds and blues or maybe you, often pick from the greyscale the colors, you choose can help determine how you're, perceived lastly what style trends do, you see on your board vintage looks, floral style may be hard lines in a more, modern look, make sure the Styles you liked factor, into your design all right you're in the, home stretch once you've developed some, ideas invite some others into designs to, add perspective it could be family or, friends previous clients mentors you, name it find someone that you trust and, get a second opinion then take a look at, what other logos look like in the same, field, this can help draw inspiration or it, could help show you what you don't like, just whatever you do don't steal other, people's designs another thing you can, do is to put yourself into your, customers shoes just like when analyzing, their feelings try to put yourself into, their minds do you like your logo then, and lastly the final step in the, brainstorm extravaganza is to not forget, the end game where do you see your logo, going on the website on business cards, in front of a building soon your logo, will be much bigger than a thumbnail on, a screen or a doodle on a piece of paper, okay it's time to stop watching me clear, yourself a distraction and submerge, yourself deep into your own thoughts and, hey once you nail down an idea look no, further than with viz me to help the, design process take flight don't forget, to subscribe to our Channel to see how, we can help you in your design life, we're always creating new content just, to help you thank you so much for, watching and good luck brainstorming for, now I'm Mike blogger with viz me helping, you make information beautiful, [Music], you, [Music]

DIY, Outsource, Partner... How should I approach creation?Hi all. I come here for some advice. Like plenty of others, I have an idea for an internet business. I know that an idea isn't worth much though if you don't act on it and execute. So, I've been trying my hardest to do what I can. I'm not technical, but I've been been working in all the ways I know how and learning what I don't.

I've developed the idea, asked potential customers questions, got feedback. I know it has potential. So, I designed the website wireframe, business model, marketing model, logo...

But now comes the time where something useable needs to be created. I can show potential customers a wireframe and ask them questions, but until they actually show they are willing to use (and pay) for it, I know I don't have any real traction.

I come here asking for advice on how I should approach creation. There seem to be three approaches:

1. Do it yourselfn2. Outsourcen3. Find a co-founder

Now, I am determined to learn to the technical side regardless. I've started on that journey, tackling HTML, CSS, and Javascript. I'm no expert, but I understand. I want to go after PHP as well. However, I know I don't have time to be professionally proficient in a reasonable time. It won't stop me from learning, but I'm not sure if it's the smartest way to approach this. But please, tell me if I'm wrong. I don't underestimate the amount of work/experience needed to be a great coder though... so I don't expect to be good enough in a few months.

In regards to outsourcing, I have a good amount of money saved, enough to hopefully create something. However, that something might not even be close to the end goal... and then what? What about when customers ask for more? What about maintenance? What if I do go to investors and it's just me... sure, I consider myself valuable on both the business and design end of things, but with no one to cover the technical aspects, who will want to invest? Which brings me to...

Finding a technical co-founder. I'm from NYC and plan on going to some startup meetings I've found out about. However, I know this is a scary proposition as well. For one, I have nothing created, so will anyone want to even come on board? Then I guess I need to assess options 1 & 2.

I just am looking for some guidance here. I'm at this standstill and I feel overwhelmed with all the options and just pick a direction and go. If that's outsource and then find a technical co-founder once something is implemented, then I'll tackle outsourcing now. If it's DIY, then pick up my pace (hell, quit my job, live at home and make studying and creating my new job) so I can get things going. If it's find a technical co-founder, than go out there and prove myself.

Anyway, I apologize for the length of this post, but I guess I have a lot on my mind here. But any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!.
,Megavenues – An Event Venues Portal of India (Review Please)Megavenues.com is a marketplace for event venues that allows venue owners to list their properties i.e. banquet halls, open air venues, meeting & conference rooms, wedding and reception venues, art galleries and enables users to search and connect to venues instantly. http://megavenues.com

We are currently a team of 37 including development, design, digital marketing, business development, sales, content creation and interns.

Megavenues launched 8 months back in September 2013 and we have already expanded across 7 major cities in India including Pune, Mumbai, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Chennai, Goa and Delhi in India.

Our well designed user friendly interface ensures that users can quickly shortlist a venue, be it for a wedding, reception, birthday party, get together, meeting, conference or any other event. For venue owners, we are generating event leads worth about Rs 2.5Cr ($400,000 +)/week and this number is growing every week as we are increasing our footfall in new cities.

I am writing to you in anticipation of a coverage for our startup on aboutyourstartup.com.I have attached the logo and a homepage screenshot for your reference.

Below are the founder linkedin profiles :

Rahul RanenCo-Founder and CEOnhttp://in.linkedin.com/pub/rahul-rane/8/b31/409

Shrinivas ChaphalkarnCo-Founder and COOnin.linkedin.com/pub/shrinivas-chaphalkar/15/943/aa1.
,Roast My Job OfferHi everyone! My co-founder posted a react dev job offer here yesterday and received lots of feedback (mostly negative, yet super helpful).

I hire a UI designer now, here's my job offer, would love to hear your thoughts!


We're looking for a UI designer who gets chills anytime they interact with a beautifully designed app/product and can spark this delight by their designs too!

About us

We're a creative team of supertalented individuals crafting supreme exp...haha, kidding. We hate this kind of fluff too, let's be short and sweet instead!

We design and build cool stuff for badass companies. Why badass?

No name dropping, but here are a few random things our clients do:

- Measure brain gamma waves to help you get into the flow state
- Build a neobank for e-commerce
- Invest in autonomous aircrafts and blockchain protocols
- Write famous business newsletter sent daily to 2.5M users

We make no promises here, but chances to work on yet another pizza delivery app are low (But acutally you never know, possibilites to innovate are infinite)

About you

First and foremost, UI skills! We use Figma whenever possible so prior experience with this nifty tool is needed. Second, English (B2+, best C1+). You are ready to work in EU time zones, with occasional calls in the evening with our American folks (ET/PT)

Also, you are able (and like) to take the lead. That's you!

Here is a full list of some other desired skills.

UX Research
Building wireframes/wireflows
User interviews
Design systems
Interaction/Motion Design (Principle or similar)
Animation Design (After Effect, Haiku or similar)
Prototyping (Figma, InVision or similar)
Illustration Design
Low-code frontend development (Webflow)

What this is not

This is not a graphic designer role who spends most of their time creating assets for social media or funny posters. Sometimes we will need your help with Dribbble posts, case studies etc. but your primary focus will be user interface design.
This is not for UX designers aspiring to learn UI design. While your UX skills or willingness to learn it will be a huge advantage, we want you to be a master of sleek and crips UI design in the first place.

Why you might be excited about us

Work atmosphere. While EVERY company says they are an awesome workplace filled with amazing people, we state it with full self-awareness that you'll love working with our team.
Opportunity to network with founders of the hottest US and Canada based startups
Occasional deep dives into domains like crypto & web3, fintech, biotech, space and much more

Why You Might NOT Be Excited About Us

You should be comfortable with just a dash of chaos. This is not the kind of job where you show up and we tell you exactly what to do every day.
{COMPANY} is a shamelessly pro-startup, pro-tech organization. If that’s not your thing, this place might not be your dream job.

Nitty Gritty

We enjoy remote work, but if you like to work at our office in Katowice (Poland), you are more than welcome to do so!

Shoot us a message below and tell us:

What you are good at
What you are not so good at but would love to improve
Who/What inspires you in the UI domain
What is not your cup of tea

Provide some background, showcase your previous work, and tell what we can do to make this collaboration fun! Btw, if you start your message with the word "bananas" you'll get extra points for making it all the way here:) Also, if you use twitter and hate traditional hiring processes, you can DM us {OUR TWITTER HANDLE} and we will take it from there!

We're excited to meet you! :)


Salary range, years of experience are listed as well.

What do you think?.
,Show HN: My Brand New Logo, a professional design for everyoneMy Brand New Logo is an online, automatic logo creator that provides professional designs for everyone who needs a logo:


In the past, working with a designer to design a logo was an expensive effort. My Brand New Logo solves that by automating the design process of a professional design studio. This gives you access to professional logos at a fraction of the price.

I made this web service because after years of running a design agency, I saw an increase in the need for logos, but noticed that hiring a professional designer is mostly out of reach for those that just started a new business. My experience as both designer and developer lead to the idea of creating an automatic logo machine that creates affordable, professional logos. This provides everyone with the ability to design a striking logo. My Brand New Logo is for the freelancers, the side project hustlers, the startups.

The general design quality is based on years of experience in graphic and web design. My algorithms follow design principles that I've applied in our design agency and this ensures carefully balanced and good looking logo designs. It's up to date with current trends in graphic design, like shiny gradients, contemporary fonts, geometric patterns and modern shapes. You can really go wild, and it will always look nice.

What really sets My Brand New Logo apart from other logo creators are the general design quality of the logos, special features like smart shapes and sophisticated gradient styles, and the multitude of possibilities to adjust the logos to your own taste.

Everyone can make a beautiful logo with My Brand New Logo.

,Ask HN: Are non-exclusive licenses common for logos?I own a freelance business and recently contacted an artist to create a logo for me. The artist responded with a contract stipulating that after creating the logo, I would have a non-exclusive license to do what I wanted, but they retain the right to post the image anywhere they keep their portfolio.

Should I be requesting full rights and then agree to license it back to them to display in their portfolio?

I guess I'm not really seeing what is protecting me wrt my logo.

What have others done to protect their rights wrt to their logo?.
,Go Brand Development with OnpassiveBrand development is foundation of any organization or a company. Brand development is a strategic process of creating and distinguishing your company’s products and services from your competitors. It is an ongoing process of serving customers & maintaining customers trust towards your brand.

-Brand Identity
-Brand Development strategy
-Strengthening Brand management

Brand Development Strategy

Define your Brand - A very crucial step as it determines what your brand truly stands for. While defining your personal brand you need to make sure that the skills which your brand possess should stand out. Your brand value should in one or the other way contribute to environmental, social/economical well-being of consumers.

Differentiate and position your Brand- Before building your brand you have to make sure that your brand is different from your competitors to attract customers attention. You can attract attention by creating unique brand logo with attractive colors and use good branding strategy to position your brand in such a way that it stands out.

Build and Expose Brand- Building a unique personal or business brand takes time and consistency. You need to keep reinforcing values & skills by taking roles and assignments that will give you exposure. Alternatively, promotional channels, blogs or social
media can also be used to promote your brand. This motivates consumers to identify & engage with your product.

Personalize your Brand- An important to personalize your campaign to be successful. Top brands encourage consumer brand interaction by personalizing products to meet the needs and preferences of users. Personalizing gives them reason to participate & engage with your brand for a lifetime.

Review your Brand- Regular reviews will help you find new opportunities with commitment and remain true to your vision and strategy. Reviewing is very important to develop the right impression of your company & what it truly stands for..
,Need legal advice and/or sample for agreementI am helping a new startup with strategic marketing and pr, creating the branding and logo, website and copy writing and bus strategy. these are 2 new bus owners, they do not want me to come on as partner. But, i have figured out a creative way to do profit sharing. I would like to get a Fee for each 'widget' sold. widgets are already selling, due to initial efforts. I have startup experience so i am advising on many levels as well. i can not afford an attorney so creating an agreement myself. any ideas or a sample that could help with this? i have researched equity agreements and independent contractor agreements but neither works for me to cut and paste something together. this is an initial agreement. i do have a small business legal adviser to look over the final before signing, but that is all i can do. so sample agreement of this type anyone? advice?...thank you.
,Show HN: Blend, a Mixed Reality prototyping toolHere is Blend, A Mixed Reality prototyping tool.

Link to demo video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3mU_BaqdPE

Hey all! I finished the MVP of this iOS app, and I want to get some feedback on the idea in general. From my experience, developing augmented reality experiences is hard, so I believe creating an easier tool and platform to place digital content on any physical product or logo would be something valuable to brands, advertisers, and developers in general.

What do you like and not like? What kind of AR games/experiences would you want to see on products and posters?

Anyone who would want to create mixed reality experiences for brands and advertisement, or any businesses interested in creating AR mobile experiences, feel free to reach out to me at aem336@cornell.edu

,Looking for CoFounder / 2cents?My name Will. I am 23. I live in LA. Going to school for marketing but also thinking about dropping out to join a startup or CREATE a startup. Im in the process of gathering advice. Im an aspiring entrepreneur! Not the 'idea man'. I dont have a get rich quick idea. Looking for someone who is willing to hear out my ideas and work with someone who believes in them or meet someone to tell me im a f*ing idiot. Anything works.

So, read below to check out projects I've worked on in the past or are currently working on now.

I am constantly thinking of ways to better the world and make certain things in life less complicated or constructive for the mass.

Ive been passionately trying to start a business since I was 18...and failed or pivoted many times. This is the order in which they have originated from.
I am still working on a few of them! Looking to hash them out more with other Entrepreneurs that believe in my vision or engineers that would like to assist in wire framing or designing beta sites/apps.

1st idea - MealDealz: Dining deals. Coupons and discounts for all the popular restaurants and fast food places. Now there are many alike.

2nd idea - MiServices: Directed toward younger individuals trying to make money on the side walking dogs or putting up christmas lights, etc but would like to be accredited through ratings. Something better than Craigslist but you're not licensed so you can't technically be on Angies list or Yelp.

3rd idea - Readr: Discover and share books you love and start a book club online. Have authors start a book club for their new releases, or fans start one. Now alike Goodreads.

4th idea - Betsy: make bets online and through our application with others on any topic from the Tech world, Entertainment, Sports, Politics, etc. Earn points, humblebrag and use the points to get cool rewards.

5th idea - standUP: organize all the online campaigns into one place. Enlighten people on common issues and how to take action through either petitions to congress, sharing the message or supporting the cause, etc. Show all the trending topics currently going on: Occupy Wall Street, GunControl, Internet Control, Oil Spill, Education, War on Drugs, etc. Then the main objective would be to help people establish their standpoint on the issue by showing all the different points of views and how they could easily take action all in one simple organized application. The app would be like the One campaign app.

Plus many other ideas! But these are the ones that I've either already worked on or are currently working on.

I am fascinated with the concept of building businesses, the surprises with successful marketing, and the power of social media and how much impact it has on the world.

I can assist in creating a business model. Assist in product design. Make Logo. Talk to potential customers, test design hypotheses. Figure out sales and marketing strategy, find beta users, warm up early adopters, performance tracking, online profiles, help create a blog. Research. Checking up on competitors and how they do business. Or help collectively create a meaningful mission statement explaining why we give this service/product.

Any advice works. Contact me:


,Ask HN: Am I on the right track?I have reached a point in my project where my product is functional, and am starting to focus on the UI to make it usable.

I've taken it slow the past couple months, as my wife was pregnant. I haven't registered a corporation or anything. My daughter was born last week, and now I'm looking at what the next steps should be after I get through the newborn induced sleep deprivation stage.

I don't have a co-founder, not even sure how I'd look for one or if I really need one. I now have a wife and 2 kids and like many Americans am upside down in a house, so quitting the good paying day job isn't an option.

The product is www.unscatter.com. The monetization plan is to get in on Bing's advertising platform once I have enough traffic and corporation registered, and also to start selling features on top of the hosted search solution. For example, domain hosting so the search page could be at search.yourdomain.com. Other ideas would be a monthly fee for letting users upload a logo, or to remove advertising.

It seems like my plan should be polish the UI, register the business the identity, then start trying to get users while working on creating the features to sell.

I'm avoiding looking for investors because while I'm convinced my plan which includes future search indexing and complete support for enterprise class customers is an obvious no way to fail scenario, I should probably at least prove I can get customers first. I'm avoiding looking for a cofounder because I know even less about finding one of those, and what I should look for in one. I think this post is just looking for others to validate I'm on the right track, and the nagging doubts on if I should start focusing on investors or co-founders can continue to be ignored..
,Solicit HN: DesignerI'm posting this in HN because I like the audience from a technical point of view, as well as intellectual. I am hoping I could find someone:

We are a very young start up. We believe in our idea and so do people we speak with (not our mothers, but people who dont care about hurting our feelings :-) ). We have not reached out to any VC because we want to have something more substantial before we take that step.

2 founders in our 30s: a business school alum (with a hands on tech background) working in the valley, a programmer with industry experience. Node.js, mongodb, redis, etc. We are in need for someone who can do:

1. Logo designn2. Visual designn3. User Interactionn4. eCommercen5. Branding

In particular we are looking for someone who has previous experience designing Consumer Internet eCommerce sites. But a good eye will get you a long way...

My motivation posting here is two fold:

1) This is a community of hackers where (almost) everyone is trying to create something new many times with limited resources. So, maybe we could reach some sort of equity/payment agreement (I'm not implying you should work for free, of course, but you'd be open to equity, if you like the idea).

2) This is really a bonus: I was hoping we could find someone artistic in the HN community who has the ability to also create the front end (take psd files s/he is creating, transform them to HTML+CSS, and maybe even do some jQuery stuff). However, someone good who just wants to focus on design and forget about the technical stuff is ok as well.

Leave contact info if interested (or if you know of someone else who might be), or email:


Reddit Images 47

Are You Looking for an amazing attractive unique flat modern awesome minimalist logo creation for your company,business,website blog or personal ?

Are You Looking for an amazing attractive unique flat modern awesome minimalist logo creation for your company,business,website blog or personal ? 0

Could conspiracy theorists be wrong about the Mandela effect? No, it's definitely a creation of the nefarious global cabal who is gaslighting them in order to rewrite history... by spelling things slightly differently and changing logos.

Could conspiracy theorists be wrong about the Mandela effect? No, it's definitely a creation of the nefarious global cabal who is gaslighting them in order to rewrite history... by spelling things slightly differently and changing logos. 1

Currently working on my original CAW since SvR 2009 Chen Lee's Pittsburgh Penguins jersey but the NHL logo in the Community Creations isn’t the exact size I’m looking for.

Currently working on my original CAW since SvR 2009 Chen Lee's Pittsburgh Penguins jersey but the NHL logo in the Community Creations isn’t the exact size I’m looking for. 2

Its me again! Been busy all night to try again and make a square-ish thing, still as a surprise for the girl i really like. My 2nd attempt on crochet and it looks way better than my first 'creation'.

Its me again! Been busy all night to try again and make a square-ish thing, still as a surprise for the girl i really like. My 2nd attempt on crochet and it looks way better than my first 'creation'. 3

Logo for my freelance business. My initials are JI.

Logo for my freelance business. My initials are JI. 4

Logo Design Company in India - Creative Logo Design Services in Ahmedabad Zero Designs is a Best Logo Design Company in Ahmedabad India. We Offer Creative logo design services by the best business logo designers ensuring the creation of company logo designs with perfection.

Logo Design Company in India - Creative Logo Design Services in Ahmedabad Zero Designs is a Best Logo Design Company in Ahmedabad India. We Offer Creative logo design services by the best business logo designers ensuring the creation of company logo designs with perfection. 5

I made Whang in WWE 2K22, complete with accurate tattoos, a custom render, and brand logos. Download on Community Creations in-game if you can! ;)

I made Whang in WWE 2K22, complete with accurate tattoos, a custom render, and brand logos. Download on Community Creations in-game if you can! ;) 6

[For Hire] CHRISTMAS SALE STARTING NOW! Digital artist, specializing in wide array of styles as well as logo creation. (Portfolio Link in Comments)

[For Hire] CHRISTMAS SALE STARTING NOW! Digital artist, specializing in wide array of styles as well as logo creation. (Portfolio Link in Comments) 7

I will design minimal, monogram, initial letters logo creation for your business

I will design minimal, monogram, initial letters logo creation for your business 8

Twitch logo creation

Twitch logo creation 9

How to create a great business logo?, How to create a great business logo?, How can I design my own business logo?, How can I design my own business logo?, Why does your business need a logo design?, Why does your business need a logo design?, How to come up with a business logo?, How to come up with a business logo? , How to create a great business logo?, How to create a great business logo?, How can I design my own business logo?, How can I design my own business logo?, Why does your business need a logo design?, Why does your business need a logo design?, How to come up with a business logo?, How to come up with a business logo?


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